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23 Weeks

After getting the all clear to be discharged for later in the day, Alison was more than happy to leave and go back to her own home. She missed sleeping next to Harold and missed eating proper food. Something which didn't happen since she been taken.

Harold was currently at home getting everything ready for when she would come back and Alison was at the hospital packing the last of her things into her bags. The medication she had been out on worked wonders on her wounds and the didn't throb as much when she moved.

The thought of leaving the hospital after being there for so long did scare her. It meant that she would have to see people. People who would only ask questions. And that would lead to her not knowing what to say. Those people would most likely be her family and she didn't really like them as it was.

As she packed her clothes, she heard a knock on the door. She frowned as she knew it wasn't Harold just yet. She turned before saying:

"Come in"

The door opened and it revealed a worried Calesta. Her mom.

Her hair was pulled in a ponytail and she makes up was to perfection as always. She wore dark blue jeans, brown knee-high boots, and a brown sweater. In her hands were her coat and bag.

Then she saw Alison, her eye widen and she smiled.

"Oh, baby girl" she put her things on the bed before pulling Alison into a small hug, being careful of the baby bump and trying not to touch any of her wounds.

"Hey Mom," Alison said slowly.

The two soon pulled away and Alison moved to back to continue her job.

"So what are you doing here?" Alison asked as she folders clothes.

"What do you mean? I'm your mom, aren't you happy to see me?" Calesta asked confused about her daughter's attitude.

"Of course I'm happy to see you... I just wasn't expecting to see you today... I wasn't expecting too see anyone until I got back home"

"Oh... Why? You've had more than enough time staying on your own... Something which you shouldn't have had. It's better to be near people after going through something difficult"

Alison pretends not to be annoyed at her mother's talk. She seemed to talk as if she knew how she would feel.

"Yeah, well the time alone did help me. I wanted to be alone" Alison said, not looking at her mother but focusing on the job at hand.

"Your still a child. You don't know what you need" Calesta said moving to help Alison fold some clothes

"Neither do you" Alison mumbled under her breath, referring to the fact that for more than half of her life, Calesta wasn't in it. So she wasn't in a position to try and say what was best for her.

"Nevertheless, the past is the past. It's time we moved on. And the first step is you moving in with me. Now Blaine can go over to Harold's and pack your stuff-"

"No," Alison said not believing what her mother was saying.


"No, I'm not moving in with you," she said frowning at that ridiculous notion.

"Of course you are. Where else are you going to go?"

"Home, with Harry"

"No, your not. Why would you go back after what happened? The only reason why you ended up in the hospital was that he's a dangerous man!" Calesta said protesting at the idea of her daughter going back to that man.

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