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//Taking it too far//

14 Weeks

Kingsley sat in his Volvo in sorrow. With the end of the academic year meant that he wouldn't see Alison for the next couple of months.

The revelation of her pregnancy hurt him. A lot. From the moment he met her he wanted her. She was beautiful, kind and wasn't like those over sluts that would try and sleep with him. She didn't attend any of the parties that had occurred throughout the year which showed that she was more interested in her studies. All in all, she was the type of girl that he wanted to introduce to his mother. But the problem was, Alison was one of a kind. As society changes, so do the people and now a days in his opinion, girls are so quick to open their legs to anyone willing. In this society, girls post pictures s of themselves in bikinis and short shorts allowing all people to see their bodies. In todays society, girls would post videos of themselves twerrking or dancing half naked. In his opinion, all those girl we're whores. And he didn't want a whore. He wanted purity. But unfortunately that was hard to find. Until he saw Alison. Someone who didn't send nudes, or flirt with every man she saw. Someone who had standards. Someone he was proud to be with.

Kingsley grew up in Chicago with his mother, father and his two older brothers. His mother was a nurse and his father a police officer and that later influence him to follow in his footsteps. His oldest brother Jordan was always the artistic one went off to art school before becoming an architect. His other brother Benjamin was the nerdy one. His was amazing academicly but rubbish at sports.

In his adolescent, Kingsley was know as the law abiding one. He always did what is parents told his and never misbehaved. Never breaking the rules and didn't even go through the rebelling stage. He was part of the choir at church and took part in charity events. He was the son that his parents never worried about and trusted to do well in life. He would always to do good and had earned the name "snitch bitch" in school as he would always grass on his class mates.

When he was 15, he discovered that his brother Benjamin was gay and had an older boyfriend. Growing up in a deeply religious family who followed old fashioned ideas meant that he took adopted that mindset. In his mind, being gay was disgusting and wrong and those who were guy would burn in the firery depths of hell. And being taught that being gay was a sin, he told his parents who them wasted no time to kick him out. And that was the last to he saw Benjamin. His felt guilty as he didn't know his parents would do that. He expected them to send him to a camp to get rid of the gayness. But he was wrong and lost the brother who he got along with the best.

It was 3 years ago on his 17th birthday that his life turned for the worst. He found out that his father had been cheating on his mother for 6 months. But that wasn't what upset him. What upset him was that his father cheated on his mother with a man. His father was gay. He liked men. He was a sinner. He was disgusting. And what hurt him even more was that his father had actually helped Benjamin after their mother kicked him out. He brought Benjamin an apartment and helped with college fees and was in regular contact with him.

After his father he began to be around the wrong crowd. His friends were associated with the Chicago mafia. At first his turned his head and ignored the fact that they were the kind of people he would arrest when he was older. Dispite the Chicago mafia being well know, they were nothing compared to the Italian/Sicilian mafia. The two biggest mafias combined into one through marriage. It was someone the Chicago mafia could only dream of.

And so for 7 months he was happy. He never got involved and was merely an associate.

Until that horrible day.

His girlfriend at the time Hanna was a year younger than he was and was completely naive. Like most of the other girls he knew, she too had lost her virginity but was more clean in comparison and so he took a chance on her. He didn't love her, but he was fond of her and cared for her. So when he took her out clubbing he didn't expect his life to change forever. Hanna was a sweet thing who was so easily impressed and when the she caught the eyes of Dominic the Underboss of the Chicago mafia, her fate was sealed. He seduced her and slept with her with the promise that they would be together forever. But a month later she was found dead in a dumpster. Beaten. Raped. Abuse. Her pale skin drenched with her own blood. When he confronted Dominic, he was out for blood. Dominic swore he didn't commit the crime. He knew was the truth. Dominic liked her and wouldn't have done it. The culprit was the boss of a small gang who wanted to take over the Chicago mafia.

But Kingsley didn't care who the culprit was. In his eyes, Dominic had blood on his hands. He told the police about Dominic and the small time gang. The small gangs boss we're imprisoned for rape, abuse and murder and his friend arrested for criminal activity.

And Dominic. Well, he went to prison. But not for rape, abuse or murder. No. But for the sexual grooming of Hanna Graves. The niave 16 year old.

After that he and his mother moved from Chicago to Seattle which lead him here.

Now he was 20 and was only in contact with his mother and spoke to his brother only on birthdays and Christmas.


When he first saw Alison he was determined to have her. He knew that she would need to be treated like a princess and he wanted to show her that he was the man of her dreams. Just he came along. The night at the club, when he saw them dancing. He felt jealousy. Jealousy like no other. He couldn't believe that she would let him touch her like that. He was more than glad to sperate them so that Alison could go and help her friend.

After that he tried his hardest to always see her. Befriend her. So that one day he could ask her out. But before he plucked up the courage to do so, she was stolen from him. By some Italian bastard. He first found out about them when he saw a post of then online with them on their first date. Then when he asked her friend Hope, she confirmed it. The was one of the worst days of his life. He of course knew about Harold Devine. Who didn't. He knew that the man was rich beyond comprehension and never dated women as, like Kingsley, he held high standards about the type of girl he dated. And as much as Kingsley hated to admit it, Harold Devine knew how to pick a girl.

And then one day things changed again. Kingsley was quick to learn Alison's time table and knew when she would be around or when she would finish class. So when he stopped seeing her, he knew something was up. He started to watch her every move and realized that she would get dropped off and picked up to college. One quick word with her friends about her disappearance made him suspicious. It seemed that she no longer contacted her friends as often. Her room mate - who he didn't care to learn the name of - couldn't tell him anything as she herself was hardly ever in her own dorm. That lead him to do some digging.

Dispite leaving Chicago, he still had one friend there who was a mafia member and he asked him for information about the great Harold Devine. Unfortunately since his friend was part of the lowest rank it took him many weeks but he wasn't able to obtain information apart from one thing. That Harold Devine was part of the Italian/Sicilian mafia. With that in mind he started to realise that Alison was probably being help under hostage. With the idea his mind started to take him to other places. He believed that Harold was abusing and threatening Alison. This immediately lead him to speaking to Porsha. Alison's best friend.

She was easy to convince and with some evidence obtained by his friend she was putty in his hands.

He believed that Porsha would be able to get Alison to leave him. And believe that when she did, he could swoop on and be her knight and shining armor. But it all went wrong.

When Porsha told him that Harold wasn't abusing Alison and that they loved each other, he hit rock bottom for some time. His brain couldn't fandom how or why she was in love with the Italian. How she could pick Harold over himself. He was better by mile. He could keep her safe, not some mobster.

And then it got worst. The revelation that Alison was pregnant with his baby was that last resort. He thought that he had lost her forever when she told him that she loved Harold and wanted to keep the baby. He felt like for the second time in his life, everything was crashing down.

Deep down he knew Alison didn't love him. He knew that she loved Harold but he didn't want to admit it. Which was what lead him to be sitting in his car in front of a large house that was teeming with life.

The house of Alison's mother.

He had managed to find out her mother's address from Hope and was here bearing gifts. In his lap, an envelope addressed to Calesta Rivers, telling her that the great Harold Devine; the man dating her daughter, was part of the biggest Mafia in the the world.

Because if he couldn't have Alison. No one could. Especially not Harold Devine.

To be continued..

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