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// Struggles/

22 weeks

When Alison got back home, she felt nothing but relief. It felt good to be back in the comfort of her own home. She preferred working in a hospital, not being a patient inside one. And she was luck enough to have a boyfriend and Ferro who could arrange her dressings to be cleaned and changed at the house and for a midwife to come every week to the house to make sure that everything was okay with the baby.  She also appreciated the just how caring Harold was. He was practically waiting on her hand and foot, wanting to get her anything and everything. A  small part of her wanted to abuse the power as no one and ever done that for her in her life, but the other, larger part of her just wanted him to stop worrying and for things to go back to normal. Well, as normal as it could be when your boyfriend is the rich beyond comprehension and is a mafia boss.

The following morning, Harold, with the help of Ferro, search for a psychiatrist that would be able to see Alison. The one that they found was a 45 year wold women called Dr Jessica Harris in LA who apparently had been practicing for 20 years. After being assured by Ferro that she was the best, Harold made a deal with her. She would fly over once a week and would have a sessions with Alison until Alison felt ready to stop.

The day after that, Harold called in a hair dresser. After Ettore had decided to cut Alison's hair, it was now all at different lengths and didn't look good. So Harold searched and found the best hair dresser in the state who specialised in African American hair, he flew her in, and had her wash, condition and style Alison's hair so that she new had long box braidsi, which made things a lot easier and would help with the process of growing her hair back.

 The following week after being released from the hospital, Harold invited his family over for lunch. Seeing everyone after what happened went better than expected. Harold's family had been so caring and welcoming as usual. All except Rose who wasn't there.

And so the couple and his family sat on the patio in the back garden having lunch. It felt great do actually do something normal after everything that happened. They were laughing, talking, catching up and it was perfect. Well - until the bomb was dropped. It started with Alison needing the toilet. And Harold fussed over her, asking if he needed to accompany her and her laughing before shacking her head.

And so Alison walked back in the house and went to the nearest bathroom to relieve herself, when she came out,  Louise (Harold's mom)  was outside, waiting for her.

"Hey" Alison said. "Are you going in?"

"No" replied Louise. "I need to talk to you" she said, a frown on her face.

When they came, Alison noticed that Louise wasn't herself. There was something clearly wrong but didn't want to ask in case it would push her over the edge.

"Of course" Alison said before leading her down the corridor, into one of the living rooms. The two sat down and Alison waited for Louise to talk, not wanting to push her. She watched as Louise sad eyes looked at her baby bump and saw a tear slip out. Immediately, Alison sat closer, worried about the women.

"Louise? What's wrong?" she asked as Louise took hold of her hand. Shaking her head.

"I'm so sorry. It was my fault" Louise answered, her tone, dripping with sadness.

"What was your fault?"

"I did this. I did it all. It was my fault. I should have know"

"Know? Know what? What was your fault? What happened?"

Louise lifted a hand and touched the bandaged that was on Alison's cheek. The bandaged that hide the slash he made.

"What the man did to you.... it would have never happened if I hadn't give birth to... she would never have done this" Louise said whilst shacking her head, still touching Alison's cheek.  

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