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//I would go to hell and back to save you baby//

I sat on my bed as I watched her sleep. She looked so innocent like this. Just like an angel. My angel. I remember her scream when she saw Alateco's head. I wish she didn't have to see it. She was shaking. It pained my heart.

I moved a strand of her hair out of her face and signed. It was 3 in the morning and I was in a pair of track suit bottoms and shirtless while Alison was in shorts and my shirt. She still looks beautiful even when she's wasn't trying.

My phone rang I saw it was my dad. I answered it.

"¿Qué está pasando papá? {What's going on dad?}"

"E 'confermato. Ettore ha scritto la lettera. Le sue stampe sono dappertutto {It's confirmed. Ettore wrote the letter. His prints are all over it}"

I was hoping it was someone just messing and but dad had just confirmed it. I didn't care if Ettore hurt me or anything; but the fact that he was after Alison put me on edge. She meant everything to me and I couldn't lose her.

"Cazzo {Fuck}" I cursed

"...Dov'è Alison ora? {...Where's Alison now?}"

" È con me in casa di sicurezza . Non posso lasciarla sola. Non dopo Io so chi è lei. Cazzo papà cosa devo fare? Sono non voglio rompere con lei, ma io non voglio perderla a Ettore. {She's here with me at the safe house. I can't leave her alone. Not after I know who's after her. Fuck dad what do I do? I'm don't want to break up with her but I don't want to lose her to Ettore}"

" Ascolta figlio. So che ti senti perso, ma che termina il rapporto che hai con lei è la cosa peggiore di così. Perché da quando l'hai incontrato io sono diverso. Più felice. Come hai un cuore. Basta prendersi cura di lei come so che si fa e non ti preoccupare Ettore ancora . A causa di preoccuparti lei preoccuparsi e che non vi porterà da nessuna parte {Listen son. I know you feel lost but ending the relationship you have with her is the worst thing to do. Because ever since you've met her you are different. Happier. Like you have a heart. Just look after her like I know you do and don't worry about Ettore just yet. Because if you worry she will worry and that won't get you anywhere} "

"Capisco papà { I understand dad}"

" Ma se lei chiede dovete dirle chi è Ettore {But if she asks you have to tell her who Ettore is}"

" Io so che faccio {I know I do}"

" Ascolta devo andare. Tua madre sta chiamando. Parleremo più tardi. Bye figlio {Listen I have to go. Your mother is calling. We will speak later. Bye son}"

"Arrivederci papà {Bye dad}".

We hung up and I put my phone back on the table next to my bed.

"Who was that?".

I quickly turned around and saw Alison awake. I smiled at her and kissed her head.

"It was my dad" I said

"Harry" she started, "What's going on?"

"Someone's after you"


"Someone who I knew a long time ago"

"...Why do they want me?"

I signed and ran my hand through my hair before I felt her hand on my back.

"Because he wants revenge for his family's death"

"How does their death involve you?" her angelic voice asks.

I hesitates a little, not wanting to her what happened. I still wanted to keep her safe from my messed up life, but I knew that there was only so much I could do.

"I was the one who ended their lives" I said looking towards the dressers.

I felt her arms wrap around my torsos and place her cheek on my back. I couldn't help but relax under her touch as it was a sign that she wasn't going to jump to any conclusions and would let me explain.

"What happened?" She asked carefully.

"Ettore Danvido. That's who's been sending you the roses. I first met Ettore 2 years ago with his father. They needed money to start up their business so I lent them $500,000 to do so. The deal was the I gave them the money and they would pay me by the end of the year. But that didn't happen. That son of a bitch didn't keep his side of the deal. So I watched them. I slowly took control of their business and took them for every penny they had. It was at their lowest point that Ettore's parents came demanding 'their money' back. I -of course- said no. It was then that they broke one of our most sacred rules. They decided to go to the police. Started to spill their mouths to some police man about our business. Luckily the man was one of my men working for me on the inside. But I couldn't just let what they did go. So I hurt them. I kidnapped his parents and I torchered them until they begged for death. After the death of his parents, Ettore and his sister fell out. She blame him for their death and left him. And now, Ettore wants his revenge"

But now I regret handling things like I did because now Alison is in danger. Ettore is a deranged man and I don't want him anywhere near Alison. My feelings for her were growing for her each minute and I didn't know how to handle them; this was all knew to me. But all I knew was that I didn't deserve Alison and that I was too selfish to let her go.

"So he wants me as a way to make you pay" I heard Alison say.

"Yes. But he won't get you, I won't let that happen" I say looking at turning to look at her.

I could see the fear in her eyes. This was why she didn't want to go out with me in the first place; she was scared she would become in danger. But I was going to protect her; not matter what. I wasn't going to let that son of a bastard get her, I would rather die then for that to happen.


Hello☺️ hope you enjoyed this chapter So this was just Harold's POV and Alison's POV will come up in the story too I'm just not sure when; but we now know who is Ettore and how Harold knows him.

I wonder what the crazy guy will do...
Anywho, Byeeee❤️

-Candide M-

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