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//Jealousy is never a good look//

The door opens but they couple didn't break from there kiss. One of Harold's hands was on Alison's ass and the other on her the curve of her waist as she held his massive biceps. A cough from the door and they couple finally split up. There standing their was a very red Hetty who was sending dangers to Alison.

"What do you want Hetty?" Harold asked harshly.

"Everything is ready for you Mr Devine" Hetty answered.

She was wearing a shorter and tighter pencil skirt than usual; her shirt was smaller and her buttons were undone showing the top of her breast; not to mention you could see her bright pink push up bra. Alison didn't miss the way Hetty batted her eye lashes at Harold and twirled her hair and she 'tried' - and failed - to speak in a seducing manner.

Harold nodded "Good" before turning back to the angel in front of him.

"Oh and Hetty?!" Harold shouted after the red head American. "Yes sir?" Hetty purred at him.

"Your fired" Harold said making Hetty look at him in bewilderment.

"I expect you to be gone by the time I get back" he continued.

Betty started to stutter in disbelief. "S..S..Sir I-"

Harold ignored her and took Alison's hand; leading her out of his office.

When they were out of reach Alison turned to a straight faces Harold with a confused face upon her. Harold caught the look for the corner of his eye and signed.

"I demand professionalism from all my employees. She knew that but went against. Therefore she paid the price" Harold said in a straight face.

Alison wasn't going to lie, she didn't like the girl at all and was glad that Harold get rid of her. They got to the lift before Harold pressed the button.

Moments later they entered and travelled down back to the first floor, back to his car.


The car ride to Harold's surprise had been a long one as they went throught the city and the couple had had now been sitting in a comfortable silence as they cruised down the road.

At a red light, Harold glanced at Alison who was looking at the beautiful city. He had just seen her secretly take a pill but had yet to ask her what she took in case she didn't want him to know. But Harold was extremely protective of her and he needed to know.

"What were those pills you took?" he asked whilst looking back at the road.

He felt her eyes on his before she spoke. "I was hoping you didn't see that"

"Nevertheless, I did" he spoke before quickly glancing at her to see her still looking at him.

"What was it?" He asked again.

"Painkillers" she simply answered.


It become quite for a while and Harold couldn't help but become worried by her silence.

It was a moment or two before she spoke again.

"My hand" she said softly making Harold tense.

He quickly put the pieces together when he realised.

"You got them from the hospital didn't you?"

The silence was all he needed to confirm it. He caused her a lot of pain.

"How badly does it hurt?". He knew that what she was going to say but he needed to hear it.

She signed deeply before looking away from him.

"It hurts a lot but the medication helps" she quietly answered.

After that they fell into silence.

They air between them was uneasy for the rest of the journey and the suffocating silence was one that Alison longed to break but couldn't as she knew that Harold needed time to gather his thoughts.


It was a little while later when Harold slowed down and stopped at a extremely fancy hotel. It was just outside Seattle and was teeming people dressed in fancy suits and glamorous dresses.

Harold cut the car off and turned to Alison who was already looking at him. Over the past few months on knowing her, he had fallen for her. Hard. She meant everything to him. He had never felt such strong emotions before. They engulfed him to no end and his didn't think he could live without that feeling.

"Did you mean it?" he asked.

"Mean what?"

"Do you forgive me?"

"Yes. I know you didn't mean it" Alison said before taking her good hand and taking his hand.

"You shouldn't forgive me"

"But I do" Was all that Alison said before pushing forward and kissing him.

The kiss was slow, unrushed and full of emotion. Fire burned between the both of the as the lips moulded together. This kiss wasn't sensual, but slow and full heart filling passion causing a fire within the to ignite. They moved close together and held each other, Alison being careful of her wrist and kissed other harder, not being able to get enough of one another. The kiss meant that Alison trusted him not to do it again and that she still wanted him despite unruly temper. It was is that moment that Harold decied that he would do everything in his power to keep her as his and that meant not keeping things from her when she needed to know.

I'm so sorry for the horrendous wait after I said that I would update. I've been revising like crazy and trying to crame it into my brain.

But the good news is that I have  some chapters pre-made that just need some editing and will be updated.

More good news is that as it's my last year in secondary school so I will be finishing school just as I've finished my exams, which is the 16th June, so I will have 3 months of working on this book and potentially a sequel, depending on how it goes.

Again I'm sorry and hope your well.

-Candide xx

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