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//Even the devil feels love//

The scenes played in Alison's mind.

They haunted her at every time she would close her eyes.

She felt as if she was going insane.

And classes were the only way she could get away from it all.

But some times, her mind would drift off.

She would think about Calvino.

And his screams and cries of plea.

She would think of the men that were there.

How they didn't even stop what was going on.

They probably enjoyed it.

But then her mind would go to Harold.

Of course it would go to Harold.

That was all she ever really thought about.

The scenes soon invaded Alison's dreams.

So she just stopped sleeping altogether.

Either did any assignments or read a book.

And drinking a lot of coffee.

It was now Thursday. And Alison was heading to Professor Morrali's room to give him her assignment. She believed it was a good piece. She put a lot of time into it. Mostly because it made her stop thinking about Harold for a while.

She nodded on the door and waited. She heard a faint 'Enter' before she opened the door and walked into the room. Professor Morrali looked up from his Mac-book and when he saw Alison his heart broke for her. She had bags under her eyes and looking like she hadn't had a good sleep in days. She looked like she lost weight. Her hair was in a ponytail and her eyes no longer held their sparkle. Professor Morrali felt bad for Alison and wanted to help. But he wasn't sure how. Alison looked like she would collapse on the floor. She looked like death.

"Hello Miss Condè. How can I help you this fine morning?" Professor Morrali asked smiling softly.

"I just came to give you my work sir" Alison said while digging into her bag to take out the big folder she had. Once she got it. She placed it Professor Morrali's waiting hands. It was quit heavy but felt like nothing to Morrali. He placed it on the side and looked back at Alison. He hesitated a little before speaking.

"Is everything al-right Miss Condè? Are you having problems in school?........At home?.......With friends?.......A boy?" Morrali asked knowing fully why Alison was like this. Alison shook her head at Professor Morrali's suggestions, until the last one where her lips almost went into a frown. It was quick and Morrali almost didn't catch it, almost.

"What's going on between you and this boy?...Does he go here?" "No sir. He's out of Uni.....He took me out on a date and treated me like this princess and then he just dropped me. He said he didn't want me and didn't want to be with me ever" Alison said telling only half of the messed up story; trying not to cry at the horrible memory.

Morrali nodded and signed. "I'm sorry for what happened to you. I don't really know what kind of of advice to give you; but I'll tell you something. Even if it doesn't seem so; things will get better soon" "OK. Thank you Professor" "Any time". Alison gave him one last smile before leaving Morrali to his thoughts.

Alison walked across campus and headed to Porsha's dorm. Once she got there she knocked on the door. A very happy and smiley Porsha opened the door for her friend; but when she was Alison her smile immediately dropped. Porsha opened her arms and Alison fell in them sobbing. Porsha took the two of them into her room, closing the door behind her.

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