XXXV Part 2

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//Families and babies//

Immediately after Alison and Harold pulled away from the kiss, Louise had taken a hold of Alison and started to introduce her to them, leaving Harold to go around and saying hello to everyone.


It had been 3 hours and the party was in full swing with people dancing and socialising as Harold walked around. And he wasn't exactly happy. For 3 hours he had been away from Alison and each time he saw her and attempted to go to her, he would get stopped by some family member trying to talk to him. It was getting fustrating, especially when he saw Alison talking to all his single cousins. Their flirty tendencies extend to everyone who they thought was attractive, whether they were single or not.

But dispite not being able to be with her, he was glad that she was having a good time and seemed to get on with everyone. All he heard was positive feedback coming from his family, saying that she had the sweetest soul or that they knew that she was good for him. He was glad that they accepted her because it would mean that when he would propose to her and make her officially his, no one would object. Well not one apart from Rosè but Harold didn't want to think about her at the moment.

During the 3 hours he had also greeted Alison's mother and step father and thanked them for helping to set everything up. He would have said hello to their kids but they were scattered around playing with the rest of the kids at the party.

But one thing that made him suspicious was the fact that Cookie, his mother and Melina all seemed to be bursting with joy. It was as if they knew something he didn't. And it fustrated him.

He had just said goodbye to his cousin Ayana when he say a familiar face which he didn't expect to see. He walked towards the person who was waiting for him and glared at her slightly.

Fina Davindo. Ettore's little sister.

She was the last last person he expected to see here. Her brown her hair was longer than before and the curly locks that she used to have were straighten and now almost reached her waist. She wore her signature red lipstick and she looked like she had gained some weight (You can find a picture of Fina in the first case list).

When he got to her she was smiling brightly which meant that she had once again broken ties with her brother. Ever since the incident she would often she go back to her brother but the leave when he upseted her. He knew she had broken ties with him as that was the only time that she was ever happy. When she was free of him. But he wasn't happy to see her. Dispite them being friends, he told her to stop going back to him but she just used the family excuse to how she couldn't abandon him.

"Fina" he said.

"Hello birthday boy. How good it is to see you" she said, her smile never leaving.

"What are you doing here?"

"Rosè invited me"

"Is that so? Well she didn't have that right considering that she had nothing to do with the planning that went on to make this happen". Fina's smile dropped as she could here the anger in his voice and she was taken back by it.

"You sound angry. What's going on between you two?"

Harold didn't hesitate when he said "That bitch who calls herself my sister made her way to make Alison feel extremely uncomfortable when I introduced her to my family and insulted her". Dispite being Ettore's sister; Harold knew that Fina would never break the confidentiality between them. Her brother never knew that they were still in contact.

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