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//Secrets are what keeps us safe//

Alison looked at Porsha with a blank facial expression. But inside she had a lot of emotions running. She didn't know what Porsha meant but was certainly going to find out.

"What are you talking about?" She asked cautiously.

Porsha signed before shaking her head.

"Kingsley told me... At first I didn't believe it but then it all started to make sense. You haven't been around for months"

"What did Kingsley tell you?" Alison asked

"He said that Harold is part of the mafia. And he's abusing you which is why you are never around" Porsha said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Alison's heart stopped. How the hell did Kingsley find out?

Alison knew that she needed to quickly stop Porsha and tell her that she was wrong.

"No. That's no where near the truth"

"Yes it is"

"No it isn't"

"Then how did you really hurt your hand?"

"I told you, I tripped"

"And I don't believe you"

"But you believe Kingsley? The guy who hates my boyfriend and like you said, is trying to break us up"

"Kingsley cares about your welfare and wants you safe and if that's what he says then it must be true. Which is why I need to tell someone" Porsha said going for the door but stood in Porsha's way and Alison shut the door.

"I can't let you do that." Alison said before her phone started ringing.

She took her phone our of her clutch and looked down to see Harold calling her. She thought about declining his call but she knew how he would react, so she pressed answer.

Alison: Hey
Harold: Ciao Bella, are you ok? Rico told me about what happened at the club
Alison" I'm fine Harry, I-

The phone was ripped out of Alison's hand and cut off by Porsha and thrown on her bed.

"What the hell?" Alison said looking and Porsha.

"It's for the best"

"No, it's not"

Alison's phone started to ring again but she didn't make a move to get it as she needed to deal with Porsha first.

"See, he's controlling you. Al, you don't need to lie. I know he's a mobster" Porsha said and Alison knew that there was no point in continuing on lying. Whatever Kingsley did must have been solid evidence as Porsha wasn't letting this go.

Porsha slowly made her way to Alison and took her hand in her own with pity in her eyes.

"Al, it's ok. He's got inside your head by beating you. I know he's making you be with him but the police will protect you and keep him away from you until he is in jail-"

"God, Porsha just drop all this stuff and let it go. I don't know what Kingsley said or did, but surely, the word of your best friend is more than his-"

"Not if your lying to me, and I'm sure he's being training you to do on a daily basis you cover for his violent nature!"

"Porsha can you just listen?! He's not forcing me to do anything and he's not hurting me! I want to be with him!" Alison said pushing Porsha  away.

"Why?! Why do want to be with a man who kills people for a living?! Why would you even--"

"I'm with him because I love him!". Both girls were shocked by what had just come out of Alison's mouth. It wasn't something they expected to here. Porsha just couldn't believe this. She didn't understand why or how Alison could ever love someone like him. It just wasn't right to her.

Although she was in shock, Alison knew that these were her feeling -- that fluttering feeling him her stomach whenever he touched her, her heart beating whenever he was near, how her breathing increased whenever be touched her -- it all seemed to click now. Alison couldn't imagine how life would be without him in it and nor did she want to imagine it. Alison didn't know what love felt like until she met Harold. What she felt; she couldn't explain it, it was so strange and beautiful and lethal. She was scared. Scared that she would fall so deeply in love that if he ever left, it would break her. But it was too late, she was in too deep.

"I love him. I love him" Alison repeated with a smile on her face

"How?" Porsha asked as she sat in front of her best friend.

"What do you mean 'how'?"

"How can you love someone like that?"

"I just do. He is everything to me, and I know I haven't been with him for long but I can't imagine life without him Porsh. He is sweet, kind and caring in his own way and I love him so much. If I didn't think I was safe and if I thought that he was a danger to me then I wouldn't be anywhere near him" Alison said truthfully.

Porsha just stood there and listened. I her head, it made sense and she didn't think Kingsley was lying about what he said and knew that something big was going on. But her best friend was standing in front of her looking completely unharmed and happy. But that could also just be a mask that Alison was very good at wearing.

"Listen, I don't expect you to understand why I love him because it seems that you don't like him. But don't just believe what Kingsley says; for all we know he could be the one that is part of the mafia" Alison says.

"I don't know what to believe Al.."

"I know".

Porsha was about to say something when someone came heavily knocking on Porsha's door.

"Alison! Open the fucking door now!" Harold shouted from the other side scaring Porsha. 

She quickly unlocked the door and opened it before someone woke up.

And there he stood. The man she was in love with. Harold. Alison couldn't help but admire him. His hair was messy and looked like he had run his hands through it many time. His face was blank with any expression but his eyes were dark and filled with anger; making Alison know he was pissed with her. But he still looked sexy regardless how angry he was.

Alison let Harold in as Porsha kept her distance. He glanced at Porsha before looking back at Alison.

"Do you want to explain to me why you didn't answer your fucking phone?"

##To be continued##
-Candide Molamba

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