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//Let's talk//

25 Weeks

Alison signed as she waited. Today was the day that she would have her first meeting with the therapist that Harold called in. She was the best of the best according to the doctors. But Alison wasn't sure. She didn't really want to relive that nightmare and was scared that it was cause her to be emotional and stressed but Harold has said that the moment it got too much, she could end the session. But that didn't mean she wasn't scared.

She looked down at her watch and it said 1:37. By now, she had been picked up by Ferro and was halfway to the hospital for their 14:00pm session. As part of the agreement set, unfortunately, Harold couldn't be their for the sessions. I had to be between Dr Harris and Alison.

As the clock neared 14:00pm, time seemed to slow down and Alison couldn't help be feel anxious. She hadn't talked about what happened to anyone and she wasn't sure how she would feel after. They say that talking helps but Alison didn't want to think about it. She wanted to move on. It wouldn't be the first time that something traumatic happened and she got on with her life.

The clock just hit two when a knock came. Alison slowly sat up before letting out a large breath of air.

"Come in" She said, her voice much more steady than her emotions. The door opened to show Ferro.

"Hey" she said smiling as he walked to her leant down to kiss her hand.

"Ciao Alison. How are you feeling?"

"Anxious, nervous worried... It's not everyday that you have to talk to a therapist after know" Alison said, not being able to say the word 'Kidnapped

"I know that it's going to be hard. Most people would crumble completely after something like this but your still standing. And were all so proud of you Donna" Ferro said, smiling at Alison who smiled back.

"Thank you"

"Okay, I'm going to let her in now. Now the guards are at the doors, so if you need anything then just click the alarm and they will be here. I'm about to start my shift downstairs, if you need anything, then call and I'll come up. And remember, I don't care how small it is, if you feel even one small bad twinge, then you can stop and you'll never have to see her again" Ferro said, giving Alison's shoulder a squeeze, for reassurance,. Alison nodded and with a wink, Ferro left and in came in a women.

She was a short women with long curly brown hair with warm brown eyes. Her make up was neutral and she wore dress pants, a blue blouse and a black blazer.

"Good afternoon Alison, my name is Dr Harris. Jessica if you will. I will be your therapist" Jessica said whilst walking in. She came up to Alison and shook her head.

"Hi, please, take a seat" Alison said motioning to the seat set out for her.

"Thank you" Jessica said sitting down and getting all her things ready.

"So, are you ready to start?" Jessica said opening her note book.

This is it then , Alison thought as she readied herself. She gave Jessica a nod who nodded back.

"Okay, so Mr Devine told me what happened to you... But I would rather you tell me" Jessica said putting her glasses on and getting ready to write.

"...I was... was.... I was Kid... Taken.... by a man called Ettore Davindo" Alison said, trying to keep her voice steady.

"Good. Admitting what happened out loud is the first step in the healing process. Many people find it hard to say it out loud when they start. But you've done it. Your strong"

"I don't feel particularly strong right now" Alison said in a small voice. A lot of people had been praising her for keeping her head held high, but she didn't feel strong. She felt broken in a way.

"I know. It's hard to continue after something traumatic happened. For many people, it's easier to put on a mask and try to pretend that it never happened"

"Yeah, it really is" her voice breaking a little.

  "And why do you think that is? Why do you put on that mask"

"Because for that split moment, everything feels right. Everything feels as it should. I'm happy. I forget what.... what...what that man did me" Alison said, holding back unwanted tears. She didn't know why she felt like she was about to cry.  Jessica nodded as she listened to Alison. It wasn't the first time a patient fell like this.

"Ummm..... when I spoke your doctor, he said that whilst you were in hospital after the kidnap, you had some nightmares. Do you still have them?"

"When I was in hospital, every time I closed my eyes, I felt like I was reliving all over again... After  I felt  the hospital, I haven't had them as much. Part of me thinks it's because I was back home with Harold making me feel safe... I'm not too sure"

"Many people feel that things are easier to cope when you around loved ones"

"I suppose so" she said shrugging.

"Right, I want to go back to before the kidnap. I want to talk about the events that lead to it happen... Did you receive any indication that you were being targeted? Or did it come out of nowhere?"

"No... When Harry and I first started dating, I was being followed around by a man who was hired by Ettore. Then Ettore sent me some flowers, a severed head, and a note to Harold, stating that he was coming for me"

"Seeing that head must have been highly disturbing"

"You have no idea"

"Who did the head belong to?"

"It was the man that was hired to follow me around. After he failed, Ettore killed him"

"The man seems more unhinged then what Mr Devine described"

"He finds it hard to talk about him and what he did. He's still so angry and he will be for some time"

"Do you know why that man wanted you?"  

"Harry had given him his parents money and when they wouldn't pay him back, he was to the courts and they lost everything... That then led them to ending their lived. And Ettore blamed Harold for it all and that started his vendetta"

"Which then lead you being taken. As revenge" Jessica said causing Alison to nod.

Jessica nodded before quickly writing something down on her notepad.

"Alright. I would like to stop here"

"Really? That was quicker than I expected" Alison said surprise.

"I know. But I don't want to push too much, especially since this is only our first session. You have said a lot more than I originally expected and I thank you for revealing this information. I know that it must be hard to even think about it"

"Well there's no point in holding anything back. In the long run, it won't help me"

"That I can agree with. Well, that is the end of todays session. We have another booked, same day and time... But don't feel like you have to wait to talk to me. So here's my work and personal number" Jessica said whilst taking out a card and standing up and handing it to Alison who thanked her.

"If you ever need to take someone talk to, don't hesitate to call"

"I will. Thank you"

Jessica nodded before packing up her belongings. The two said their goodbyes before Jessica left, leaving Alison feeling as if some weight was actually lifted off of her shoulders.


Thank you for coming back and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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