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//Death is the easy way out//

21 weeks

"I want to speak to Harold," Rosè said to Ferro who had come to drop off some fresh clothes at his mother's request, something which he didn't have the heart to say no to.

"You can't," he said as he walked back to the door.

"Why?" Rosè asked standing up but being restricted by the chains around her wrist and ankles.

"Because he doesn't want to speak to you" Ferro snapped which made Rosè whimper.

"I know I was wrong... I know I messed up but I want to make it right" Rosè once again started to cry, sending Ferro a silent beg.

He scoffed before turning around. "The only way you can make it right us by going back in time and undoing your actions"

"If I could I would Ferro. I really would" rose said wiping the tears away.

"Someone will be here shortly to give you the food in which you don't deserve," Ferro said before attempting to leave only to be stopped.


He stopped but didn't turn around.

"How... How... Is Alison okay? Is the baby ok?" Rosè asked, begging that nothing had happened to them.

"The baby's dead... And Alison is traumatized.. thanks to you" Ferro said before turning around and glaring at her.

"W-w-what?" she whispered stuttering as she could believe that she had just heard. Ferro ignored her and finally left the room, hearing Rosè sobs and continues chanting off 'no'


Harold walked down to corridor towards his destination. As people passed him, they immediately silenced themselves and would bow as a sign of respect but he just ignored them. He was more focused on dealing with the bastard who had the audacity to hurt his girlfriend.

He had been waiting for this day for a while and he would enjoy every single moment. He eventually got to a grand staircase and took a right and headed to the private elevator. There he saw the golden elevator and the operator standing in front of it. She was a brunette and was wearing a burgundy skirt and blazer that held the family emblem.

"Dove ti piacerebbe and Don? {Where would you like to go Don?}"

"Il piano di tortura {The torture floor}".

The operators nodded before taking out w golden key and putting it in the lock next to the elevator. She turned it and almost immediately, the elevator dinged and arrived. It was golden and shone brightly due to its daily upkeep. The two went in and the operator took at a new key. This time it was black and she put it in the new key whole and turned it. The was a click before a keypad appeared on the wall. The women quickly typed in the passcode and once it was done. The lift began to descend.

As it descended, Harold couldn't help but think about Alison in hospital. After finding out that she would be discharged, he immediately went home, to make sure that everything was in place before coming here. He had been putting off going to Ettore until he was sure that Alison was okay, despite being in the situation they were in.

But now, he was going to make him pay.

After a while, the elevator finally made it to its destination. The elevator dinged before opening.

"Buona giornata Don {Have a good day Don}" the oporator said.

"Oh, I intend to" he said to himself with  devious smile.

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