chapter 2

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The man's body was steaming as he stood over a puddle of lava and his body radiated an intense heat. The clear view at such a handsome and well built man caused Tria's cheeks to take on a hue of pink as her eyes traced his  body from top to bottom only stopping to linger on his third lower appendage


He called to her and gained her attention,  his voice was deep and held a commanding tone, she stood up and did a quick curtsy.

"This Tria greets you lord and welcomes you back from your bath"

Tria gave her greetings, although  her lord looked vastly different than he did before, she could still tell it was him as such she did not question who he was.

"hmmm, yes and the cloth I ordered?"

He hummed before speaking, as he gazed upon her, he realized that she and the rest of the handmaiden automata he had made were quite imperfect.

"right there my lord"

She pointed at the table and he nodded in approval. Tria's eyes lingered on his face, she had no idea how  he managed it but the ugliest God who was often referred to as a monster has now become a handsome God. A Smile crept on her face at realization that her lord now no longer had to suffer such humiliation.

"good, take it up to my chambers and I'll be there shortly"

"yes my lord"

Without a complain she obeyed and carried out the order her master gave her.


After Tria had left the man examined his body and checked for any mistakes he might have made during the forging of his body.

"Nothing out of the ordinary, the body is splendid, the Hogkyouku did a magnificent job"

He spoke to himself  but soon fell silent, he was confused. He at first shocked that he a God, had a past life as a human but not only that but that there are other universes out there aside from the one he resides in. The concept of the multiverse was quite mind boggling and raised more than just a single question, but for now he put those thoughts at the back of his head and moved on.

He could not tell if the Hogkyouku was something always within him laying dormant and activating after his previous life memories were triggered  or maybe it implanted itself right as he began forging his body anew. He had memories of the device being used an individual named  Aizen but in his past life this Aizen was a fictional being but then again in his past Life God's were fictional beings.

"Regardless, I am reborn and I hold greater power than ever before"

He spoke as he clenched his fists and feeling the infinite mana that course through his veins. before he could merely touch upon the concept of creation in order to forge but now he could grasp it fully, Though Gaia held greater Authority over it than him but that was irrelevant he is a forger of weapons not a life giver anyway. There other various skill he now possessed like the [mystic Eyes of Death perception]and the [gates of Babylon] though they were currently empty he would have to fill them with treasures of his own making.

A Smile crept on his  face, a memory had crossed his mind and that memory caused him to utter a declaration.

"prepare yourself  Aphrodite, I will teach you how to become a loyal and Filial wife"

He declared, He didn't particularly like being a cuck and will ensure that starting today his wife will have no sexual relations with no one but himself, he could ask for a divorce but he is doubtful Zeus and Hera would approve, there's a reason why the king and queen of the gods are still together despite Zeus being so unfaithful. Plus currently, to his knowledge Aphrodite has yet to bed anyone or at the very least Helios  hasn't come to tell him of what he saw, as such this was good sign.

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