Typhon 2

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Apollo steadily walked the halls of Poseidon's castle, stifling the sickening smell of fish that assaulted his nostrils. He had thought spending a day within this place would some make him used to the smell, but he was mistaken. The smell of the place alone was enough for him to consider going back to Olympus. However, he dashed such an idea aside. Any place with Hephaestus was no place for him. It was the his negligence that caused the death of his beloved, and Apollo won't be settled foot in Olympus until Hephaestus is dethrone or dead, which ever comes first.

Arriving at his destination, he turned and entered the room. The lack of doors was definitely unusual, but it hardly mattered. Entering the room he was greeted by the sight of both Poseidon and Hermes who seemed to be drinking something that he wasn't familiar with, he figured the alcohol here would differ from the one found in Olympus.

"So you finally decided to stop wallowing and join us, nephew"

Poseidon exclaimed, and Apollo found himself rolling his eyes at his uncle's remark. He couldn't help but notice the resemblance Poseidon had with Zeus, it. Was minuscule, but it was there.

"I wasn't wallowing I was…."

He took a seat while struggling to come up with an excuse, the death of Daphne was something that affected him greatly even now he could feel the phantom touch of her hair in his hand and a picture of her smiling face was burnt in his memories. So it was difficult denying the fact that he was indeed wallowing in sadness and lamenting her loss.

"He was just remembering his lost love. There's no need to be insensitive. Poseidon, after all we're all family here"

Hermes finished causing Poseidon to let out a humph and let the issue pass, Apollo couldn't help but find it strange that Hermes was suddenly all about being a family, perhaps it was a fragile sentiment that helped him cope with the temporary death of Zeus, everybody knows that Hermes would Suck Zeus' dick if he ever asked.

"Moving on, Poseidon, did you acquire any help from Erebus?"

Hermes moved the conversation forward, he needed Hephaestus off the throne of Olympus by either force or by war he didn't care about who took it because Zeus would reclaim it later but Hephaestus needed to go by all means, as such it was imperative that there was no bad blood among his allies, he Managed to convince Apollo that everything was Hephaestus's faulted and he can't have Poseidon pricking and poking at Apollo's fragile mind.

"No, apparently, Nyx is already at Olympus as we speak, so I imagine an alliance between Erebus and Olympus is already forming."

"What about the enforcers? Did you manage to speak to them?"

"No, Kratos is nowhere to be seen, Nike and Bia followed Nyx to Olympus, and Zelus is not going to be any help"

He informed, and Hermes displayed a faint look of disappointment. With the enforcers, they would have good enough power to challenge, but it seemed that his speculation that they might hate Hephaestus was wrong

"what do you mean Zelus won't be any help"

"I don't know the whole story but apparently he is stricken with grief and absolutely refuses to talk to anyone, you'd think he'd want to help get rid of the person that killed Zeus, but he didn't even spare me a glance when I mentioned that"

"then we'll have to go with the plan B"

Hermes stated that if they can't get any help from Erebus, then they'll have to turn the Citizens of Olympus against Hephaestus

"Why not challenge Hephaestus to a duel if you want him off the throne? It would be much easier, and I'm certain most of the gods in Olympus don't care about who the king"

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