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Chronos rolled his eyes before materializing a crystal marble in his hand. It was the oracle. He then enlarged it to be the size of his hand, effectively turning it into a crystal ball.

"I have something to show you"

"you say you have something to show me, but I have a question for you"

She said as she decreased the size of her body to the size of a normal human. Fortunately, her breasts were still quite large. She cared not of her nakedness, and neither did Chronos.

"ask away"

"Did you rewind time?"

"of course…. I didn't"

"Don't lie to me, brother. I just want to know the why. The humans would have slaughtered each other because of the chaos that little scamp Eris let in to the world"

"I could not let that happen, so I had to do something"

He said, putting up his hands in a defensive way as he explained his actions.

"Okay then, why did you let the miasma remain? What are you up to?"

Rewinding time but only for the humans and leaving the miasma created was something Chronos could do, [selective time reversal] it was called, but Gaia failed to understand the why, if he wanted to save the humans it would have been better to rewind time to before the miasma was created.

"don't be so concerned sister, this just for my entertainment, and don't worry, it won't put your world at risk at all."

He explained with no concerned on his voice, and Gaia couldn't help but squint her eyes in suspicious, she could tell he seemed to be excited, she guessed that he didn't rewind time to save the humans but for something else.

"If you say so, I'll leave it be, but what did you want to show me?"

"look at this"

The crystal ball in his hands glowed and flashed bright golden color with a mixture of crimson red. The sight caused Gaia to open her mouth in surprise, but there was also a glint of interest in her eyes

Hercules found himself getting flung through the air and crashed throughout several buildings. As he slowly lost momentum, he flipped himself upright and quickly planted his feet and slid across the ground to stop himself. His feet dug into the dirt as he slid across it, creating a trail of two parallel lines. Finally stopping, he crouched to his knees and held his chest. Luckily, his armor withstood the attack, and his bones were still intact. Perks of being the son of a god. A normal human would be dead.

The ground began to shake as a 10 foot tall beast ran towards his direction, the beast had the head of a bull with two sharp horns that pointed directly at him, it body was that furred but shaped like a human and it legs were that of bull.


He Shouted to anyone who may still be present, he probably has destroyed the houses of several people, he was unaware that this village was abandoned, however he can't think about that right the Minotaur was already before him.

The beast charged at him at full speed, he braced himself and when it arrived he ducked down below it's head dodging it's horns and tackled it, he grabbed it by the torso and threw it on the ground, slamming it with enough force to create a large crater. The monster roared in pain before using its legs, kicking Hercules into the gut and launching him back and causing him to roll on the ground.

The minotaur got up and this time stood on all fours and prepared to charge, Hercules quickly sprung and charged at it and at the same time the minotaur sprung forth in a burst of speed, the two collided causing a shockwave that caused all the rubble to be blown away, Hercules who bad grabbed its horns used his knees to kick it in the stomach before punching it in the face a sending it flying back.

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