Battle: Zeus vs Hephaestus

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"Well, never thought I'd see this day"

Hades spoke as he watched the masses gather and rush to enter the large stadium, he and his wife and Hestia were seated right at the top of the stadium a special section made for the gods to witness.

"so who do you want to win?"

Hestia asked with a bit of melancholy in her tone, she looked a bit depressed and was rather just making small talk instead of actually being interested in whatever was going on. It was just recently that she heard about the death of her nephew Ares and among everyone in her family she seemed to the only one who cared enough to mourn him.

Hades gave her a glance, Ares didn't deserve her mourning but it's in her nature to care so he can say nothing to her but answer her questions.

"Well I don't have a favourite but it would be quite the upset if Zeus lost"

He answered and looked high up in the sky spotting Nike, she seemed keen on watching the battle from Such a height, according to her it was the best was to witness a battle. Such a vantage point. He turned to his wife before speaking once more.

"What about you my love?"

"Hmm I don't know, I'd like for my father to win or at the very least not lose, I don't know much about Hephaestus to want him to win"

She expressed in her mind though the whole battle was already in her father's victory and seemed fairly obvious, she didn't underestimate Hephaestus however Zeus has proven to be quite strong and Hephaestus doesn't seem to be all that powerful and she's hardly spoken to him as such it's only natural that she believes the one she knows better will win.

"well how unfortunate, I was hoping you'd be in favour of Hephaestus so that we'd wager on it?"
His earlier statement did not mean that he believed that Hephaestus would win but its something he thought would be interesting to see, his little brother getting humbled by his own son would certainly be hilarious, this battle was in largely in Zeus's favour.

"You can add me in that wager as well"

Hera spoke as she entered followed by various others which were, Demeter, Themis, Leto and Hecate as well as Athena and Artemis with Hermes entering seconds after them, each of them took their seats and continued the conversation that Hades had started. Hera this time had her own two arms rather than four.

"I take it you'll be I favour for Hephaestus then?"

"Yes, but what exactly are we wagering on?"

If she wasn't in the situation she's in right now she would have chosen Zeus's as he is more likely to win however if even if it's unlikely she still hopes for Hephaestus to win plus the future she saw the one about Olympus being in flames was still at the back of her mind. She at least thought that it either was an alternative future or it has yet to pass meaning that Hephaestus might lose and have Aphrodite take from him and thus cause him to destroy Olympus and that made her a bit uneasy and was one of the reason she hoped he wins, to get out of her current situation and to prevent the destruction of Olympus .

"well this was meant to be a thing between me an my wife but since you joined in I don't know"

"how about the loser owes the winner an irrefutable favour, after all we aren't humans so no need to wager money on this. Anyone else wish to join in?"

"no, I'd rather not have to worry about owing any of you a favour"

Demeter answered followed by the others Nodding to her statement, while the wager wasn't binding or anything owing another god a favour meant more than just doing their errands so they refused, however Hades felt that there was nothing he could lose or anything Hera could ask for that he wouldn't be able to give her so he agreed.

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