short live duel

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IApollo enjoyed the wind as it hit his face while his carriage was pulled by an army of swans, it has been 7 days since he and his sister have set out to find the oracle and so far there has been no clue about where it should be but Apollo, as someone familiar with it knows how to find it so he is simply taking his leisure time with the search but his sister on the other hand didn’t like how things were going.

“where are you taking us now?”

She asked with a frown on her face, her arms were crossed and her tone of voice indicated that she was not pleased, Apollo so far has taken them on a wild goose chase that has Yielded no tangible results and her patients was running dry, of course she figured it would take a good while to find something like the oracle and Apollo did say it took him months to find it back in his younger days so it was a given that it would take a while but it didn’t seem like Apollo was actually looking for it.

“The isle where I was born?”

“Why? Will that bring us closer to finding the oracle?”


“Do not lie to me Apollo, for the past 7 days all we have done was visit the dwellings of humans and dilly dally doing useless things like fighting a Scylla for absolutely no reason, why are you delaying our search for the Oracle?”

She asked, while it was all well and good to visit some human dwellings —she even got to see some of her cult followers—and  the dilly dally did get Ares off their backs since he was tailing them when they left Olympus but that was 3 days ago, there was no longer any purpose in wasting time since Ares probably got fed up and left them to look for the Oracle on his own.

“Sister, I assure you that  I am looking for the Oracle, it’s more about the intent of looking for it than it is about finding it”

“Why is that?”

“it’s  because only time can have the oracle and in order to find it, you need to spend some time looking for it and it will appear or rather Chronos will decide if whether or not you can have it after observing you for a while if he feels like it, so this could either take years, months or even days. As the personification of time itself the concept of  time doesn’t mean much to him, so as long as  you don’t give up looking for it he’ll eventually give it to you”

Apollo explained, Chronos the titan of time was the one who held the oracle, the reason no one person could have it for more than a few days was because Chronos took it from them. Athena understood his explanation and heaved an  exasperated sigh, so  it really was  a wild moose chase  after all.

“so  this  really was a waste of time?”


With that said the two if them traveled in silence, with Athena looking even more displeased than before, she had realized that she didn’t need to be here nor was her assistance necessary and she just has to deal  with it until they find the oracle but it was important to follow her father’s orders.

After a few  minutes of traveling in air, their noses were  suddenly assaulted by the fragrance of Ambrosia  and they began hearing the calls of the swans. The floating isle of Delos was now within view and after a few minutes they arrived and set foot on the island.

“The island is still made of gold? Why didn’t you undo it?”

When Apollo was born  the entire island of Delos was turned into gold, and it was filled with the fragrance of Ambrosia, swans became common place on the island.

“Why would I do that? This is my birth place, it being gold means it holds more value than your average island as it should”

“ what should we do now? “look” for the oracle or what”

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