chapter 19

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The underworld  Is a dark and  dimly lit realm where there is no sunlight  and the only form of light it has  is the various spirits  of the dead that flow in from the world of the living, death continuous in the living world, every day at least a thousand people die and enter the underworld and then flow towards the place that will grant them an appropriate punishment. The underworld is divided into 4 parts or levels and each levels  is  it's own realm in which the dammed get punished depending on the severity of their crimes on the living world, some can even get rewarded for their deeds. A fifth level also exists, Tartarus  but it is so far beneath the other levels that it is not considered to be even part of the underworld.

The first 4 levels are for those that have been judged to be evil but not to the point of no return since after a millennia or so they are reincarnated back into the living world, Tartarus however is for the vile and most evil of evil  or anyone the Greek gods decide needs to be sent there.

Hades  was  a God  who thought himself to be  simple, he  wasn't overly ambitious and held no grand plans about ruling the cosmos and what not, he was very content with his life and they way he lived, ruling the underworld was a simple job that required less management than ruling your average kingdom, all in all things were simple, Though  there maybe times where he Maybe needed they aren't that many, his helpers are very good at their jobs which makes it easier for him to spend time with his wife when she's home at least. He wasn't really pleased that there would be months where she wasn't here but Demeter was quite the overprotective mother and he'd rather not get on her bad side

Unfortunately today seemed to be the day where the time he would be spending with his wife would be interrupted by two Goddesses, one of them he was glad to see and the other not so much however he equally wished they hadn't come, Hestia and Aphrodite casually interrupted his mid day meal that he would have with his wife everyday, this was something that he set up and prepared, despite having this mid  day meal every Hades  never fails to ensure that everything is perfect so that him and His wife can have the most enjoyable day. Unfortunately that didn't seem like it was going to happen.

"Aunty Hestia and lady Aphrodite this… was the unexpected visit"

Persephone addressed the two people that came to visit her, her voice was quite gentle and low in volume almost like a whisper, she had a strained smile on her face as she tried to keep  a polite tone,  she would have addressed Hestia the same way she did Aphrodite however the Goddess of the Hearth had made it clear what she wants to be referred to as and Persephone could not feel comfortable calling her Aunty. Hestia's status demanded she be respected and it felt wrong to be  so candid no matter how friendly she is.

Her gaze turned to her husband who made it clear on how displeased he was about this visit. He sat on a black chair with a  long backrest that was inlaid with black diamonds and crystals, the two were sitting across each other separated by aa table filled with varying types of food. Aphrodite and Hestia had taken the side of the table.

"well I just dragged Aphrodite with me since I wanted your help with an unexpectedly important issue".

Hestia responded as she poured herself a full glass of white wine for herself completely ignoring her brother's deepening scowl as she did so, he never invites her for anything so she's right in helping herself.

"Oh! What issues was that Sister? Hopefully it justifies you helping yourself to my wine."

"you're such a terrible host Hades, you're obligated to offer Guests a beverage"

"not towards guests who invite themselves, especially—"

"darling, Please. Aunty Hestia please explain"

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