chapter 12

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"I volunteer to be the one to seek for it"

"isn't that pointless though?"

Apollo spoke right after Ares and  not  giving anyone time to  think about what Ares just said.

"the oracle foretells the future sure but  the future is forever changeable meaning the  future you sees might not actually bee  the future that will pass, it only  shows the various possibilities, and  if you think you can sift through infinite possibilities without your head exploding each time you look at even two possible futures then you're a masochist"

Apollo explained, the  information contained within a single future is enough to  overwhelm the brain of any God. Apollo had searched for the Oracle back when he was younger, he  found it and used it to  help humans prosper, unfortunately the oracle can't be wielded by a single individual for too long as such it disappears after a few days.

"A little bit of pain is nothing, You and Athena will look for the Oracle, while I and everyone else try and  figure out who might this potentially traitor is"

"but father I can accomplish this task Myself"

"No, you will be accompanied by your sibling, that's final  and  this meeting is over."

"Father,  I volunteer in Athena's stead, surely my strength would be valuable for the search"

Ares spoke with vigor slamming his fist on to his chest, he can't have anyone find the oracle before his otherwise what he wants won't happen and  he can't have that.

"no, you aren't needed"

Zeus said, before leaving the  room rather quickly, he seemed to be  still quite angry because the  roaring thunder never stopped.


With the meeting over, Everyone was now exiting the meeting room. Aphrodite had wanted to speak with Hephaestus more but couldn't because it seems  that the God queen wanted to speak with him as well as such she settled to wait for him.

Exiting the meeting room She was suddenly given a hug by Hestia from  behind.

"Hey Aphy, can I invite you for some tea in my palace and maybe talk about how Hephaestus can make me a dress"

"sorry I can't. I actually have some things to discuss with him, I'm  just waiting for him to finish his talk with Hera"

Aphrodite explained,  Hestia released her hug with a smile on her on  her as she understood what Aphrodite meant.

"I see, I understand"

She said patting the Goddess of beauty on the shoulder causing  Aphrodite to shake her head, Hestia was misunderstanding her intentions but she decided not to correct her anyway.

"Alright, I'll Just have Demeter or Leto be my tea companions both of  them have nothing to do, just like me so it works out"

 She said as  she walked away, waving goodbye to Aphrodite and tried to catch up to the other Goddesses, Aphrodite stood  near the entrance waiting for Hephaestus to finish his talk with Hera, she was kinda curious how  their conversation was going to go.


Exiting  the meeting a little displeased Ares had  a frown on his face, he failed to understand what his siblings had that made their father consider them  for the job of looking for the Oracle. He was going to look for it himself anyway but Zeus telling him he wasn't needed struck him greatly, he was both saddened but at the same time he felt the need to prove his father wrong.

With his eyes now focused straight ahead he saw Hestia bidding farewell to Aphrodite, he then smiled as he saw that she was now alone. Brushing his hand across the top of his head he adopted a confident look and strutted beside Aphrodite. Now that the meeting was over he needed something to unwind and Aphrodite was just the perfect Goddess. Perhaps may be he can get her on his side regarding his plans.

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