chapter 11

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I'm  actually quite hurt that none of you recognize me"

The  stranger voiced with a chuckle, earning even  more confused looks from everyone but Aphrodite and  Hestia who  surprisingly smiled at his words but didn't say anything.

"speak identify yourself  or else"

Ares again spoke, this time standing up to face his the stranger, he was already seeing this man as an enemy as such he was ready to break him apart.

"Voila, in view a⁷ humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate, This Visage no mere veneer of vanity is vestige of…"

Before he could continue any further, the sound of an arrow hitting the wall behind him interrupted him.

"Enough, state your name and business"

Artemis, a white haired Goddess Similar to  Athena in Stature and looks spoke as she  drew her bow, letting an unknown person suddenly speak freely was a dangerous game.

"How boring, instead of answering, how about you all use your divine sight, to identify me?"

He asked, he  figured it would be easier to have them  see who he is rather than him  telling them, that way it's faster. It was before anyone could do anything drastic, that the gentle and melodic voice of  the greatest beauty in all of Olympus spoke.

"put down you weapon Artemis, it's Hephaestus"

The Goddess of Beauty shook her head as she spoke, She didn't understand why He decided to put on such  a farce.


Everyone in the room with the Exception of Hestia collectively Exclaimed in confusion. They looked at  Aphrodite with disbelief waiting for her to say something that made more sense.

"she telling the truth, that is Hephaestus"

Hestia backed her words up and  stood up and  walked towards Hephaestus and  gave him a nice hug that Hephaestus reciprocated without struggle.

"yep I am Hephaestus"

He confirmed pulling everyone back from their stupor.


Once Hephaestus  sat down on his seat, Everyone was ready to ask their own questions, Athena especially curious about his sudden change the most.

"Hephaestus how di—"

"Alright Everyone  settle down we will start the meeting"

Zeus suddenly Entered and interrupted Athena before she could finish her sentence, Zeus walked in  with Hera walking  behind him, If this was a public space with various Gods present the  entrance of both the God king and  queen would cause loud cheers but unfortunately no one in the room is impressed by  their arrival.

Hera who walked right behind Zeus was  immediately struck by shock as she saw her Son, Hephaestus. Unlike the others  Hera could easily recognize her Son regardless of his changes, this was not because she loved him but rather she had learned to recognize him by his presence rather than his face, his face  was too disgusting to look at but that doesn't seem to be the case any more hence the cause of  her shock.

"You finally decided to show yourself, now tell us the reason you called this meeting"

Hades leaned back on his chair and  asked, he  crossed his arms and  scowled at his little brother, he  didn't hate Zeus not at all but that didn't mean he has to agree with everything he says or does and  that is where his displeasure comes from, Zeus  had  the impression that he can do anything without consequence and  Hades found that distasteful.

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