threats aren't appreciated

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Apollo stood still in the empty land that used to be Arcadia, his form was deflated and an expression of sadness had marred his face, he had initially  thought of Daphne as a momentary amusement something to occupy his time, she was certainly beautiful woman and he was taken by her beauty however for the year he spent with her, he forgot himself, forgot about Olympus. Even when he heard the news of the battle between Zeus and Hephaestus he didn't feel the need to go back nor did he feel the need to avenge his father after his defeat, the simple life of living with her has been satisfactory, in fact he wondered what he had been doing the years before meeting her.

"l'm sorry for your loss"

Hermes suddenly appeared beside him and patted him on the shoulder as a form of comfort. Apollo, not appreciating the gesture, shrugged off the hand on his shoulder and asked.

"what do you want?"

"Can I not come to my brother whenever without ever wanting something from him?"

He asked Rhetorically whilst lamenting the fact he found him at he most inopportune time, he had seen the incident happened from afar but Hades and Hephaestus arrived soon after and thus he had to flee since he cannot be in the same place a Hephaestus.

"I'm in no mood to entertain anything at this moment, so state your business or leave me be"
Apollo voiced, he wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone at the moment and would much rather be left in silence, not to mention that Hermes has never once addressed him as brother or anything of the sort, as such Apollo was sure that Hermes came for something.

"I simply came here to offer my condolences brother, with father gone for the next hundred years I realised that as a family we need to spend time together because we might not be able to see each other for a long time"

"I suppose that's sensible, but I'm in no mood to talk to anyone at this moment"

Apollo stated, if he genuinely came to him out of concern then, that at least meant something, although he doesn't see the need after all a hundred years is not a long time, Zeus will be back in no time, funnily enough no one was even thinking about the possible eventual return of Ares.

"I understand, but do you think if father was still alive, something like this would have happened?"

"what do you mean?"

"father was hardly a good father and he wasn't best of kings however, he took care of business, any threat that showed itself was dealt with, not only that but why did Hephaestus and Hades show up right after the Blackness swallowed every"

"What are…"

It dawned on Apollo. It was literally seconds after the Blackness swallowed Arcadia that Hephaestus and Hades showed up, this meant that they were aware of its existence yet still completely did nothing to stop it.

"Exactly as you're thinking, Hephaestus knew but chose to do nothing, he chose to let your lover die and he let that thing getting away, this is all his fault, can you accept such a king? Are you willing to?"
He was right. If Hades and Hephaestus had arrived sooner, they could have destroyed that thing before it could do any more damage, Daphne would still be alive. Apollo's face morphed into face of anger.

"that Bastard I'll tear him to shreds!!!!"

Apollo was ready to fight and fly all the way back to Olympus, but Hermes quickly held him down.

"wait, wait, wait, hold on, you can't just attack him"
"why are you stopping me?"

"I'm stopping you because attacking Hephaestus in Olympus is suicide trust me, I know"

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