Terrible first meeting

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Both gods sounded as they heard the goddess' words. She was already in close proximity and she quickly landed between the two followed by the others.

"Demeter What are you talking about?"

Demeter turned to Hephaestus, giving him a wink before answering Zeus's question.

"You see Hephaestus here wishes to take the throne for himself"

Lightning sparked off his body as heard such blasphemy coming from Demeter.


"According to the law…"

Themis suddenly spoke, pulling out a scroll from seemingly out of nowhere and began reading what was written.

"According to the law, Any member of the royal family be it brother, sisters. Aunt or child is eligible to challenge the king to a duel for the throne."

"Exactly, Hephaestus here had expressed his desire for the throne when Athena and I visited him in order to gain his help but he Refused saying he will challenge you to a duel for the throne"

Hera spoke while walking closer towards Zeus and show casing her bountiful breast to Zeus who did as expected and let his gaze linger on her a bit too long, the four arms were an addition he didn't think he liked but for some reason she seemed more erotic with them.


Zeus hummed as he stared deeply into Hephaestus , severing the connection Athena had with war wasn't completed at best he managed to disrupt it meaning a even if she wakes up she'll be powerless until she figures out what's wrong, so as of right now she's no threat and more importantly if Hephaestus truly wants his throne then it's a matter deserving of his attention.

"why should I accept such a duel? It has no merits for me"

He asked.

"why don't you humour him, I mean it's not like you will lose"

Demeter answered already having walked beside him and clasped his hand in a very suggestive way causing Zeus to stare at her a bit amused by her actions, however he remained unconvinced.

" again what exactly do I gain from this, it's obvious I'll win but I don't want to waste my time with this"

"You would back out of a duel my lord?"

Nike gave him a side eye as she questioned, feeling a bit disappointed in Zeus for his response to the request of a duel.

"no, I just don't see any merit in a duel without a prize, after should I lose he gains everything while if I win he loses nothing hardly seems fair, don't you think?"

He responded feeling a need to justify himself else Nike might think less of him or rather he didn't want the spell to break, it was important that his strength isn't doubted by any of the enforcers.

"Oh I have an idea you can have Aphrodite-"


Hera who saw that it was getting difficult to convince Zeus spoke offering Aphrodite as a prize but Hephaestus immediately stopped her before she could finish her sentence.

"Mother you seem to be dead set on me hating your very existence, don't make things worse. Aphrodite's has nothing to do with this and she will never be a prize for anything, Zeus can keep his throne"

Hephaestus spoke his body nearly smouldering as his blood quite literally boiled releasing steam, he wasn't about to have his wife be a prize on anything, she is no object plus he'll be damned if Zeus ever gets his hands on her, he was about to turn to leave when Zeus opened his mouth.

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