Battle: the turn tables god king advantage lost

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"I guess this is unexpected isn't it? By the way I'LL KILL YOU"

His eyes glowed a bright golden colour and his words laced with venom as he pulled the spear out and drove it back in again piercing his heart a second time. The words Zeus spoke about Aphrodite are words he'll soon regret. Lightning sparked as Zeus disappeared again and this time appeared a bit too far from Hephaestus, his shock was immeasurable as well as everyone else's. Hestia stood there dumbstruck.

[Hephaestus! Are you alright?]

"Yeah I'm fine, in fact I feel great"

Testing out whether or not he was immune to the Scythe was something he was hesitant on doing however now he's sure, however this type of immortality where you die and get brought back isn't quite it, he needs a better and greater form of immortality, and he knew just the one. Responding to his desire the Hokyouku began to work.

"Strangely enough I feel invigorated like I drank an energy drink"

He ignored her question of what an energy drink was and Instead moved the spear around him swinging and slashing the air before he settled into a Stance, with the spear above his head and his legs open and lowered, he pulled his arms back and prepared to launch it forward

Zeus cautiously watched or it seemed that way as he kept a stern face as he watched Hephaestus, however in his mind panic had set in, the scythe was supposed to kill Hephaestus yet it didn't, this caused Zeus to freeze, as his mind was confused, no one has Been able to completely survive the scythe not even a primordial yet for some reason Hephaestus did but how? How was it possible, when did he acquire such power who gave it to him?


He inadvertently Shouted those words.

"You best dodge this even if you want it, Gae Bolg!!"

Hephaestus threw the spear that glowed an ominous blood red and Zeus chose to rush towards Hephaestus at the same moment he threw the spear. His speed was a appropriately Godly in how fast it was he dodged the spear and got close to Hephaestus to swing his scythe however just as the Scythe's blade was about to touch Hephaestus's neck he felt a piercing sensation on his heart followed by an intense pain.


He screamed as he felt his inside get torn in to shreds, blood curdled at his throat as a he screamed and dropped to his knees causing Hephaestus to palm his head. Everyone in the stadium was shook especially the Gods, not only did he survive a cut from the scythe but he brought the god king to his knees.

Athena's elation was present on her face as gigantic smile spread open revealing pure white teeth that sparkled.


Nike exclaimed as she suddenly decided to come down from her height, the battle was too far away to observe properly. Hera felt a plethora of emotion at this moment, pride in her son? Elation at the sound of Zeus's pained screamed and concern about his state of being. She was feeling conflicted.

"Ha!! That's what you get"

Hades surprisingly cheered for Hephaestus, finally someone dropped Zeus to his knees. He does love his younger brother and doesn't necessarily hate him However he isn't against someone else beating him up and teach him humility, Although perhaps he shouldn't have celebrated like that at Zeus's pain in front of his wife, she's quite possibly the daughter of his that cares for him.

"Careful now if he loses I win the wager"

"Meh! That was something worth cheering for but that doesn't mean he'll win"

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