chapter 13

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need me? What for?"

Aphrodite asked, that was a different way of phrasing the statement, Of course she was privy to what he probably meant judging by his unrestrained lust but she somewhat expected him to say something else aside from what she's come to expect.

"Well I need you to help me in matters concerning the bedroom, I assure you I'm fairly skilled"

He said with a smirk and seemingly playing with his brows. It seems that he was trying to be seductive and Honestly Aphrodite thought the God should leave that area to the one  that are actually good at it, namely herself however she did fail to seduce Hephaestus recently so she shouldn't talk.

"I'm afraid I have to decline, I have urgent business to discuss with Hephaestus so no"

Ares suddenly frowned at her answer, Rather than a frown it was more like confusion, he doesn't recall Aphrodite ever declining an invitation, however it suddenly dawned on him.

"Oh I see that's how it is, Just because he has changed face now you want to be all over him"

He stated his tone sounding more like he was saying something obvious, which Caused Aphrodite to frown. Hestia had assumed the same thing just minutes prior and now Ares has come to the same conclusion, she didn't like that.

"Uhh no, we were actually having a meeting of our own before Zeus called us all here"

"Oh so you've already been on him since before and now you want more? just be sure to remember to come by me then"


Aphrodite was appalled, what the hell was Ares talking about? I mean, she knew what he was talking about but why was he adamant on coming to his own conclusion about what she and Hephaestus will do, she didn't like his presumptions not to mention he took it as a given that she would seek him for sex.

"Ares sorry I will be taking my leave now, If you see Hephaestus tell him to come to my palace, goodbye"

She had the feeling that  she wouldn't like the conversation if it continued further so she decided that it was best she leave Ares be, his words felt insulting in a sense however before she could leave, Ares grasped her wrist halting her steps.

"lady Aphrodite we are—"

Unfortunately before he  could speak another word, a searing pain assaulted the hand he used to hold Aphrodite's wrists. A burning sensation that felt like his hand was being burned by  the fires of Tartarus. He  quickly let go of her  wrist  revealing a glowing silver bracelet.

Having Taken his hand off her the pain didn't go away but seemed to intensify, he grit his teeth and let out a muffled scream. It would be shameful for him to scream just because of pain but the veins on his forehead told he was struggling quite a bit to hold it in.

"Ares, what's Happening!, what happened"

She asked confused and seemingly startled, his lust was gone now replaced by  anger towards her and she didn't understand.

"so it works"

Both their Heads turned to look at the familiar voice of Hephaestus, he had exited the meeting room and was now making his way towards Aphrodite.

"What works?"

"the accessories I gave you, It seems you wore it without knowing it's effects"

He spoke, grasping his chin as he did and observed Ares seeing the effects of his craft.

"You!! did this to me?"

Ares was quick to cast Judgement as he quickly threw a punch at Hephaestus, planning to pay him back for the pain he is causing, of course Hephaestus dodged the punch by stepping to the side and shoving Ares forward causing him to stumble and nearly falling.

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