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so? what will it be?"

However as stated before Hera was no damsel, she grabbed Zeus's arm with both her hands and use her new arm to punch Zeus on the side, specifically his ribs and sent him crashing on to the nearby walls of the corridor and once again relieving him of his arm. The attack had sent him through several walls and the shock wave from each time he hit a wall was a signal to everyone in the palace that a fight was happening.

Hermes did not waste any time and immediately appeared before Hera and attacked her with a punch to the jaw, the punch was swift and fast sending hera staggering back a couple of meters and one of her teeth had flew out of her mouth, his punch was quite powerful thanks to his speed. Unfortunately for Hermes he suddenly found himself unable to move a single muscle after his attack, his body became rigid as stone and heavy as a mountain.


He could not finish his words as her immediately received a series of punches, the first in the stomach that was followed by two punch to the face and the an upper cut to the jaw that sent him up in the air before he received a devastating kick to his torso and was sent tumbling across the floor with no way of stopping.

"laying your hands on the queen is forbidden by law"

Themis emphasized as she watched Hermes's body slid across the ground and only stopping due to a wall that was at the end of the hallway, as the one who reins over the concept of law if she herself determines an act to be unlawfully anyone who partook in that act will be unable top move an inch until she determines a worthy punishment for the crime, unfortunately it only works on those of equal or lower power as such she can't use her power on Zeus, it also doesn't help that she is not a fighter. During the Titanomachy she did not fight but instead chose to be allies with Zeus but of course that didn't mean she couldn't throw a punch.

Having took out Hermes, Themis turned to look at the queen who's body was now engulfed entirely by lightning as her body floated a few centimeters off the ground. The lightning crackled and sparked as it bounced between Hera's body and the walls, Themis ducked to the side evading a stray bolt of lightning that nearly struck her.

Looking at the queen it seemed she was in some type of trance. Hera could feel the power filling up her very being, there was an electric sensation that tickled her mind drowning it with a feeling of power, she felt unstoppable, invincible and damn near omnipotent, with such power at her fingertips Zeus was a mere fly she could crush in less than an instant, he was a bug, no. less than a bug, a germ.

"My lady?"

"I know how you feel"

Themis snapped her neck turning to look at Zeus who had finally returned, both his arms were missing but he didn't look any worse for wear, aside from a few scratches on his face the God king looked absolutely unaffected by the fact that he lost his arm not only that but there was lightning coming out of the shoulders where his arms should be. Almost as if remembering something Themis quickly turned her back and ran straight down the corridor making a turn and returning where she previously was which were Athena's chambers, with Athena being weakened right now she wouldn't stand a chance against Zeus and Hera looked to be at least holding her own.

"It's intoxicating right, that feeling of omnipotence that clouds your mind and makes you feel invincible but..."

Ignoring Themis completely He spoke to Hera who had suddenly snapped out of her trance like state and conjured four bolts of lightning however Zeus looked unconcerned infact he waited for her to throw the bolts at him and she did just that unfortunately however rather than strike Zeus and blow him away, instead the bolts struck his body only to get absorbed by him.

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