chapter 15

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[5 days later]




Maybe it was an  instinct since he is  the god of forging or perhaps it  was a habit because he had done it for such  a long time so  he just couldn't stop. The  urge to forge was something he could not resist nor did he want to  as such currently Hephaestus was down on his forge doing  what he is known for.

He stood over a large slab of Iron that acted as a table and  on top of  that Iron table  was  small wrist sized  ring that had 5 single chain rings  connected to it and  Hephaestus was in the process of  carving in a  rune on to  the chain rings to  allow them to  self replicate. Creating and infinite long chains was a tall order and would take far too long so he figured it was better to make a chain that would grow infinitely by itself, he  also didn't want it to have only two  ends,  from what he  remembered the  chains of  Enkidu had multiple ends that had pointed tips to be  able to  pierce opponents.

The  chains were made of  Uru metal,  an ore  that gets stronger as it absorbs magical power but despite this Hephaestus wanted to be careful and added a rune that would absorb divinity, though divinity was a type of  magic and  therefore the Uru metal should absorb it and to get more durable that  didn't mean the  opponent would be  weakened they  just wouldn't be able to break free so a rune to  restrict  divinity was a must.

After another 30  minutes of  carving the necessary rune on to  the  chain rings  he was  finally done, Hephaestus could have  simply written the  runes on to  the metal with something like  a  permanent marker but he  felt like he had to  engrave  the  rune  directly on the chains, permanent marker  isn't really permanent not to mention Uru becomes more and  more durable the more magic it has so that means by engraving the rune that makes it more permanent than any form of writing since it can't be erased, especially on indestructible objects.

With a deep sigh he looked at his work with a smile, things were going smoothly and his second weapon was nearly complete all he needed to do now was pump it full of mana and let it grow infinitely.

"Now then, on to the next thing, Excalibur…"

He paused and thought, the sword Excalibur was supposedly the sword of promised victory, this meant to an extent anyone who wields it either has guaranteed victory or at the very least he or she has a greater chance of victory. If this was true then  that means to  a degree the  sword had the concept of victory within it and victory was among the few concepts that might be problematic to touch  without permission from the Goddess/God who reins over it.


He placed his hand on his chin and mouth and began to think, a problem had presented itself right now which was 3 questions, the first question was: how many weapons does he want to make that are connected to a concept? And the second question was: how strong are weapons that aren't connected to a concept and  do I absolutely need my weapons to be imbued with concepts? Lastly: How strong is he when compared to not only the Olympians but to the Titans and primordials?

"I imagine the mystic Eyes of Death perception are connected to the concept of death; would I be alerting thanatos if I were to use them?"

He was currently immortal; he cannot die however not being able to die doesn't mean invincible or unbeatable nor did it mean he needs to be a fool and do things without a shred of caution.

He turned his head and looked at his wall, he had recently removed most of the weapon he had created prior before gaining the Hogkyouku and now on that wall was a single weapon that he had finished yesterday, a black  blade  that  was curved and  had only one sharp edge. The blade's handle was black with red diamond like patterns that went up from the pommel of the handle to the crossguard.

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