chapter 18

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The reason seemed trivial after all she could have just sent an envoy to convey her message. Incidentally Hestia's palace was on the other end of Olympus further away from the center which lay the royal palace and Aphrodite's palace was closer to the center  so their homes are quite far apart and since any form of instantaneous travel is banned within Olympus Hestia had to actually travel the distance.

"well yes, plus I wanted to have some tea with you since you were busy last time, how are things going with Hephaestus by the way, did you?"

She winked as she asked, interestingly enough Hestia was the type of person which didn't shy away from talking about things she had no experience in or rather she liked talking about the interests of others with them, and since Aphrodite was that type of Goddess Hestia was more than willingly to talk about matters of the bedroom despite still maintaining her chastity.

"I'd say things are going fine but no we haven't"

Aphrodite returned the wink indicating that she hasn't had sex with Hephaestus yet, Hestia raised an eyebrow at her not really believing what Aphrodite is saying.

"what's with that look??"

Aphrodite frowned, was it really so unbelievable that she hasn't had sex with Hephaestus yet? Well maybe it was but she didn't like how that having sex with Hephaestus seemed to be a given, she wants to but she doesn't like how everyone assumes that she will.

"Nothing I just thought by now you would have been done with him and moved on"

Aphrodite frowned at her words, she didn't like the way that sounded but she decided to let it go. She wanted to keep her friendly relationship with Hestia especially since Hestia herself wasn't a malicious person by nature so her words were probably not meant to harm.

"it's not That I don't want to, he just won't accept my advances, we haven't even kissed"

Those words came out with a much more disheartened tone than she wanted to convey, She was certainly Beautiful and definitely the most desired Of all the Goddesses and He does find her attractive and does feel lust for her but for some reason he has gone no further than a simple kiss on the palm.

Hestia on the other hand was in a silent shock, She found it utterly impossible that the two of them haven't even done anything yet, She doesn't think Aphrodite would lie about something like that, she probably would have if Hephaestus was still the same as before but he was Handsome now and well within Aphrodite's range of interest.

"Honestly I don't understand, He says he likes me but he won't  do anything, I have made it obvious that I want to but he just won't, doesn't he not love me, all the other Gods love me, why won't he?"

Aphrodite complained, She could not tell if he was lying about what he said about Finding her attractive, if you find someone attractive then surely you would want to have sex with them. He also said something about how finding her attractive has nothing to do with lust, she didn't think that was impossible it's just that Lust and love go hand in hand  if you lust after someone that means you love them and vice versa.

All the Gods that lust After her should love her and she picks and chooses whether or not to accept their love, she  wants to accept Hephaestus's love but he won't show her his love by lusting after her so there's no love for her to accept.

"You saying that all the other Gods love you, is that true? because I'm pretty sure that's not how they view you"

"What do you mean? Of course they love me why else would they lust for me?"

Though she  wasn't pleased with the amount of lust Are had directed at her during the Meeting,  that lust still meant that he  loved her at least.

Hestia raised an eyebrow at Aphrodite's question, something was wrong. Aphrodite is  the Goddess of love and beauty  as such she should have a clear understanding of those concepts after all they are within her domain but for  some reason Aphrodite seems to be confusing love and  lust as similar thing or at the very least seems to  think lust indicates love.

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