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Near the edges of the city of Thessaly where the land and forest met, there was a large building made from a mixture of both wood and stone, the building had a large sign board with writing that stated clearly that It was the hunter's guild. A place where various individuals who make a living by killing monsters and various magical beast come to get their rewards and quests, one doesn't need to be a hunter to receive a reward, as long as you killed a monster the appropriate reward will be given.

Thessaly was a region that was perhaps the most plagued with the threat of monsters, as such, it was a region that held a large number of hunter Guilds to combat such an issue. The region was also home to various tribes and people as such it's citizens were very diverse, this was a great benefit as each people's had their own techniques and ways of killing monsters that can be shared with other people for better cooperation and extermination of monsters.

The door to the guild opened as a big boned woman exited and threw a man into the street, cussing him out in the process, the man was quite drunk, noted by his inability to stand up and his mumbling of incoherent thoughts. The guild also doubled as a bar for Hunters who recently came from a hunt to rest a bit and enjoy themselves, it was also a way for the guild to make back some of the money they paid the hunters.

"excuse me"

A man wearing dark robes, said and the lady stepped aside and let him in the building, the man entered and found a rowdy atmosphere, music was playing and many men were dancing, there were also pretty hostesses who served them drinks and kept them company, there were a few people who were sat down having casual conversations or speaking of their exploits and encounters with monsters, while other looked to be close to coming into blows due to disagreements, The overall atmosphere was fun.

His eyes roamed the room as he looked for someone specifically, and it took little time to spot the red-haired individual he was looking for. He seemed to be having a conversation with a bunch of other men, but that didn't matter as he quickly made his way towards him.

Hercules was seated at a table near the counter and he was surrounded by a bunch of young men and he was currently retelling the story of his battle with the minotaur, each of the young men listened with great enthusiasm and interest, Hercules held quite the bit of a reputation as over the year he has saved many people and many of them regarded him a hero.

"this particular minotaur wasn't like all the ones I've faced before, it was stronger, tougher so it made for quite the worthy opponent, it was incredible, each blow I landed it returned with vigour…..

He told, captivating the youth who ate up his words without a single doubt, his eyes quickly landed on the robed individual who had suddenly appeared near his table and simply gave him a look. Seeing the look on the man, Hercules quickly dismissed the boys and promised to continue the story another day. Once the boys were dismissed, the two began to talk.

"Why are you following me?"

He asked with a bit of annoyance in his tone, it was a week ago that he met this man called Diomedes who claimed himself to be a traveller yet spoke words that were almost Heretical and for some reason he wouldn't leave Hercules alone.

"Am I ? This is clearly a coincidence"

"if it were, why did you come straight to me? We aren't friends nor do we know each enough for you to come greet me, I find it hard to believe that this is a coincidence"

"very well, you got me. I was looking for you"


With a scowl, he asked. He felt the need to simply leave without hearing his words but that would be rude, he was already rude to him already but that was only because he doesn't appreciate being followed by some guy he doesn't know.

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