was he a Heretic

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Like my husband said, we don't appreciate Threats"

Aphrodite spoke as she and Hephaestus both leaned forward, however Hephaestus was in a bit of confusion at the moment hence why Aphrodite spoke for him. Silence lingered in to the room as the tense atmosphere became thicker than Aphrodite's thighs.

Hades and Hestia who were in the room and they hadn't uttered a word since the meeting began, the both of them had mixed feelings about the whole thing, Hestia had wanted to diffuse the situation however Hades to stopped her, any words that indicated that they were backing down would make Olympus seem weak and thus making Nyx push further with their demands.


A bite from a biscuit caused everyone to turn their attention towards Styx who in turn tried to chew slowly without further disrupting the atmosphere, unfortunately Nike burst out in laughter seeing her mother's antics. Nyx shook her head and let out a sigh, her daughter has her own children yet is still childish like this.

"Oh well, obviously we aren't going to destroy Olympus, as a Good mother, I give my daughters whatever they need, Bia doesn't need to Have Olympus destroyed"

She waved away the situation, she wasn't serious about that threat and regardless of how much power she may possess she can't just destroy Olympus for absolutely no reason, she is not that uncouth and Besides its better to make your enemies suffer than simply killing them.

"Mother! I thought–"

"remember what I said before coming here?"
"You said you'll do as I say if my siblings agreed"

"Did they agree?"
It wasnt that they didn't agree but more like they weren't present to agree, Kratos just disappeared and no one knows where he is. Zelus is in a deep depressive state and refuses to say anything to anyone, he's entire life has been a lie so it's understandable why he's be depressed and Nike didn't really care as much as she should, if she was brainwashed then she needs to be strong enough for that to not happen again.


"there you go, at least we can get you some compensation this way"

Nyx settled the argument causing Bia to deflate in disappointment, Although Nyx herself doesn't like the idea of seeing her daughters unhappy, destroying Olympus wouldn't be ideal, after all she's seen things that are yet to be in Erebus and she wishes to experience them, Aphrodite's clothes were exceptionally well made and beautiful, Nyx wanted something similar.

"Alright then lady Nyx what compensation do you want, I'll try my best to provide it"

Hephaestus didn't particularly like that he suddenly had to pay Nyx Compensation however he can't afford to get on her bad side not when he has yet to gain the necessary power to do so, plus the Hogyoku is still somewhat busy, trying to find a way to gain the ability to be invisible to Chronos and that was actually a great undertaking that the device couldn't create in Just a few hours.

Hephaestus had began using his mystic eyes of death perception when Nyx delivered that threat of hers and while he definitely can see her lines of death, it wasn't helpful because, there seemed to be numerous lines that extended from her and then branched out all over the place some extending underground, others higher than the sky, some even mixing with the Death line of other things and people, like Styx, Bia, Nike and Even Hades, which confused Hephaestus quite a bit.

"it's not exactly compensation but more like you letting me stay within Olympus for a bit, I wish to experience all the things we don't have in Erebus.
Olympus is the God version of a human settlement"

"if that's the case I don't see why you wouldn't just go to a human settlement"

"I don't hate humans but you can hardly call their dwellings a place for me to even visit, mingling with humans will give them the mistake of thinking they're our equal"

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