end: God king wins

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Hephaestus was Immune to ill status effects and mind control so the fact that that the rain weakened him and made it impossible to think properly means it's effects don't fall within the category of ill status, but that didn't matter the Hokyouku should have adapted to the situation and the rain shouldn't be effective, the real problem was the fact ultra instinct didn't work when Zeus began punching him, well it wasn't like one was completely untouchable with Ultra instinct but still…

"Say your prayers, Zeus. Your title of God king will be mine"

He declared, "Seeing that image of Aphrodite's made him realize that losing was not an option and Zeus's death will be guaranteed."

"Gahrgh!! You—you have quite…. The extensive weaponry"

He struggled to speak and noted that his shoulder wasn't healing. He could feel a part of his soul was cut off, hence the comment he just gave.
"I am a forge master after all"

Once done responding to Zeus, he took a stance that would be appropriate for dual wielding. Both Zangetsu and Excalibur were in his hands.

" You won't be able to land a single hit on me from now on"

"Confident aren't you?"

"My wife is watching. As a dependable husband, I must show her my boundless strength and show her, be it rain or shine, I will always be by her side"

"seems we agree on one thing. One must always display their superior strength. Like I said, I'll thoroughly comfort her once you're dead,"

"Your death is already guaranteed, Zeus."


The blood stopped as he steadily controlled the lightning to replace his missing shoulder and arms as well as the piece of his head. The rain once again began, and Hephaestus dropped to his knees again. However, this time, he quickly recovered and stood back up.

"so now what?"

He asked Zeus with a grin, bewilderement marred the God king's face for a second but he quickly ignored it Zeus flipped his wrist and almost immediately a plethora of invisible fists began to fall from the sky, slamming onto the ground flattening anything in their paths, the entire land shook and trembled as each fist landed with a force equivalent to an explosion from a nuclear bomb. However, despite the countless fists aiming at him to pound him into the ground, Hephaestus dodged and weaved with ease. He was weave nation certified as he dodged everything without so much as having to open his eyes.


Zeus screamed as he jumped into the Frey himself without stopping the sky fists. He could see Hephaestus dodging by utilizing the small gaps before each fists hit the ground. Unfortunately, his attempts to attack Hephaestus while he was occupied were futile as the forge master not only dodged the fists but also managed to block and counter each of his attacks.

Zeus threw a punch just as Hephaestus moved closer to dodge the invisible fist, Hephaestus effortlessly dodged by ducking down, Zeus then tried to kick him in the face but another invisible fist was incoming from above so Hephaestus jumped to the side, however Zeus followed him and this time swung his scythe, Hephaestus halted Parried the scythe with Zangetsu before kicking Zeus in the stomach and propelling himself back dodging another invisible fist that aimed to flattened him. The fists missed Zeus, or rather to him, they were just air.

The invisible fists were not moving in unison to punch at the same time as such there was a gap between them, whenever one land there's a second's delayed before another lands and once that lands the one that landed first pulls back creating space for Hephaestus to dodge. It was an immaculate show of reaction speed, assisted by his skill [ultra instinct]. Whenever Zeus attacked by trying to punch off, slice him up with the Scythe Hephaestus's was ready dodging and parrying.

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