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Artemis explained with a very prideful smile on her face while also gesturing all around as she spoke. She seemed to be happy and content.

"do you really think, this place is hidden from our father?"

"Of course, I'm the Goddess of the hunt, my stealth skills are unmatched after all I did sneak you out Olympus with no one the wiser"

While it is true that as the Goddess of the hunt, her stealth was immaculate, it was also not that hard to sneak in and out of Olympus considering that Zeus and Hera were fighting at the time, all Artemis had to do was just hide herself from the sense of Zeus and she would be able to easily slip out with Athena in tow, though she could easily sneak in and out of Olympus even if Zeus wasn't occupied with fighting her skill is just that good.

"I see"

Athena wasn't convinced, not because she doubts Artemis' skills but because Zeus was just very powerful, even if this island was hidden from him it wouldn't take very long before he finds it or its possible he knows it exists and is just ignoring it for now.

"alright, then why did you bring me here?"

She asked, Athena was Zeus's most trusted child, bringing her into a place that one was trying to hide from Zeus wasn't exactly the smartest thing to do.

"because I know you don't really love our father, you may have hid it well under the guise of loyalty but I could always tell that you despised him. As a Goddess of the hunt I'm quite good at picking up on things that most wouldn't."

Athena could only answer with an "I see" as she had nothing more to say.

Athena never really knew her mother however much like Apollo Athena was quite self aware in her mother's womb and was able to feel hear and understand but unfortunately unlike Apollo she couldn't speak so she had to settle for hearing her mother sing to her while Athena was still on the womb, her mother would often rub her bloated stomach and Athena could feel the love, care and warmth of her mother. She had no idea when she'd he out of the womb but she was looking forward to the embrace of her mother but unfortunately she never got that. Zeus ripped those expectations from her and her replaced them with nothing.

It is claimed that she's his favourite daughter, while that may be true, it wasn't because he loved her as a daughter but simply because she was a tool, a loyal servant that would go to Tartarus back for him, after all if she wasn't just a tool, why else would Ares be her replacement? It made no sense why there'd be two gods of war not unless one was the replacement of the other.

"there's also another reason"

Artemis spoke, now fully getting up from her seat and her eyes staring at Athena, Athena could not grasp the feeling behind those eyes, Artemis walked closer and grasped her Hand.

"I made this place for us"

With those words Athena stepped back in a bit of surprise while Artemis stepped forward pressing on the attack.

"Athena you know as well as I do that no God in Olympus is good enough for you nor do they deserve you. Plus with me you can still stay Chaste and not break your vow"

This time Artemis had gotten disturbingly close and had smoothly got her hand on to Athena's cheek as she stared at her with smouldering intensity. Athena found herself unable to respond to this situation, this was the first time anyone has ever directed any form of romantic interest in her, incidentally an image of Hephaestus overlapped with Artemis' face and Athena flushed just a bit as she averted her gaze from Artemis.

"I'm sorry Artemis but I don't really see you in that manner and honestly-"

Unfortunately her sentence would be left unfinished as her body was immediately bombarded by massive amounts of power, the sudden increase in power caused her to drop to her knees as a pounding headache assaulted her. She and Ares Shared the concept of war and it was thusly split among them however with Ares having been killed by Hephaestus the entirety of the concept was no longer split and all the power that Ares was receiving was now being received by Athena

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