a year later

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Hestia was seated in a chair in front of a bright flame that illuminated and warmed the entire room she occupied, the flame was a mixture of various colours and it switched from colour to colour from bright red, to yellow to bright orange and pale blue. The flame radiated a warmth that could never be felt anywhere, a warmth one receives when they are at home a warmth that only family can give and a warmth that was comforting and soothing.

She sat in her chair staring at it, looking at it unblinkingly, Her brother and Her nephew are gone, completely, while her relationship with Zeus was not the best he was still her youngest brother and she loved him, the same was true for Ares as well, she believed that given enough time she could have had a proper familial relationship with both of the and now she never will and that had made her quite sad. The feeling of loss was only compounded by the sense of guilt that weighed heavily on her heart.

As the eldest in the family it was her responsibility as the big sister to resolve any and all conflicts within the family, however she was careless she thought the situation would resolve itself after all it has been like that before, no ever gets hurt permanently and those who die come back eventually however right she new, Her power as the goddess of the hearth made it so she can always know the location of the souls of her family and right now she could not locate the neither Zeus or Ares, they were dead in the truest sense of the word.

"how will I tell them?"

She wondered, most of her family probably will not care as much as she does but she still felt that it would be difficult to say that both Zeus and Ares are completely dead with no way to come back, or rather admitting that was something difficult for her.

She turned her head outside and through the window and saw that everything was still, the people had suddenly stopped moving. Turn her head to her flame she saw that it too was still, completely frozen. She also felt a chill as it suddenly became colder or rather the was a lack of heat.

"Huh? Did I use it unconsciously?"

"no you didn't, I'm the one who did"

A voice sounded right beside her. She simply turned her head to look. Rather than be shocked about the sudden appearance of someone in her home, she turned around as if she were expecting them.

"lord Chronos, what brings you to my humble home?"

"Greetings to you two, firstborn daughter of Cronus"

The bearded primordial titan of time made himself known to her, and Hestia stood up from her seat and offered him to have it as she bowed to show her respect. Chronos denied her offer.

"I'm not here for pleasantries, and besides, your cookies and tea will make stay longer than I need to"

Despite never having served the primordial any cookies or tea as the who governs over time, it should be easy for him to know about them or, at the very least, that was her guess.

"I appreciate the compliment. Are you here for that, Athena informed me about it"

"Oh no, you can keep the power as it's related to what I came her for"

"Oh then, what is it that you came here for?"

" just so you know I didn't refuse your tea because of thought, I no longer look into future that is boring, it is because your mother's has excellent cooking skills too and with you being the goddess of the hearth its only natural you'd inherent them"

"Oh, how is Mother? I haven't seen her in a while"

She asked, Her mother Rhea didn't actually live in Olympus with them. The reason for that was because of Zeus's antics of insisting on wanting to bed every woman possible so Rhea had to move.

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