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Staring at the black ceiling of his room that his uncle Poseidon had graciously bestowed upon him, he couldn't help but lament the dreadfully smell of fish that assaulted his nostrils, he didn't need to breath but he could still smell regardless. Using his hand, he gently touched the large scar that ran on his right side of his face. His right eyelid also happened to be closed as the eyes were no longer in its socket. Perhaps attacking Hephaestus was not a great idea, considering he lost an eye.


He clicked his tongue and kissed his own teeth as he was reminded once again about the Sheer difference in power between him and Hephaestus. He didn't accept Hephaestus as a king of Olympus, but unfortunately, everyone else didn't mind. They all seemed very eager to have gotten rid of Zeus, something that came as a shock, sure Zeus was a bit much to handle but he was their king, what happened to loyalty?They were all traitors. Nothing but scum who turned their back on the true king of Olympus.

"my lord Hermes, the king wishes to speak with you"

A young and beautiful sea nymph with pale skin, sea blue eyes and matching blue hair, had entered the room and informed Hermes of being summoned by Poseidon, incidentally there were no doors in any of the rooms aside from the room of the king.

"vey well"

He rolled out of the bed and landed on his feet and let the sea nymphs lead the way, he wonders if Poseidon finally decided to aid him in his endeavour to overthrow Hephaestus, the sea king has been Luke warm about the idea for 8 months, half of him believes Poseidon is afraid while the other half is tempted to believe he doesn't care about Zeus.
It took no more than 5 minutes before he arrived at his destination, another room with no door, the nymph gestured he enter and he did and was greeted by Poseido who was seated on sponge like chair coloured yellow with a bit of brown at it base. There was a row of beautiful sea Nymphs that stood by behind him, and in front of him was a table made from ice with some sea themed food and drinks on top of it and extra chair to the side.

"so have you decided yet?"

He asked, forgoing any politeness. It's been long since he's been here, and if Poseidon is too afraid to do anything, he goes somewhere else.

"Yes i have. However, we need allies. The two of us just can't compete against everyone on Olympus, as such, we need to bring them to our side"

"Is that why you brought me here? To strategize?"

"No, I brought you here to show off my collection of beautiful woman"

The two stared at each with Hermes, wondering if that was a sarcastic comment or a joke, but the lack of change in Poseidon's expression made him think he was serious.

"are you serious?"

"Two things can be true at the same time"

Was all the sea king said before gesturing Hermes to sit and discuss business.

"for starters, we need to find a few who also don't like Hephaestus as the king, people who were close to Zeus, like his enforcers and maybe Hera"

"Not Hera, she conspired to overthrow Zeus and was the reason that duel between them even happened, the enforcers might work, ever since Zeus died none of them have set foot on Olympus so I imagine they aren't thrilled with the change as well"

Hermes explained eliciting a thoughtful nod from Poseidon, he was correct, all the enforcers left Olympus once Zeus was declared dead and they haven't set foot there since so it's not completely unreasonable for Hermes to believe that it's because they didn't like the change in rulers, in fact that seemed to be the only possible theory.

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