problematic mass

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The ocean near the Olympia, in the past year the isle in which Olympia was located had taken a great hit, as half of its shore land was destroyed, this was the result of the battle between Zeus and Hephaestus, the attack that finished off Zeus not only destroyed half the shores of Olympia but it also opened a great chasm in the ocean and the sea was split open for a couple of months until the water finally filled the tear 5 months ago. The lives of those who lived near the shores were ruined and had difficulty getting food as their main source of food was fishing. However after 5 months the shores once again boomed as once the tear in the ocean was filled there was an abundance of fish, the ocean near Olympia was filled with fish life and restored the lively hood of the people who lived near the it, the sheer abundance if fish made the locals conclude it was a blessing from the gods.

It wasn't just those that lived near the shores, but the main land was also affected, though more positively than negative.

The battle between the two gods had caused cracks on the land and that in turn created various rivers and tributaries that ran across the mainland not only that but due to the release of Excalibur the was an increase in the ambient mana in the area and this was a boon to many scholars of magic, it also supported the growth of vegetation, of course many houses and buildings were destroyed leaving many homeless but that was hardly anything to cry about when they received great blessings such as this, plus worshippers of Hephaestus put in work on the name of their God, they helped those who lost their home rebuild and as a result the citizens became fervent worshippers of Hephaestus. however, there were those who were still dissatisfied with the situation after what need was there for their homes to be destroyed?

"the fish aren't biting today, huh?"

Two men on a soiling boat and were seated on opposite ends with their fishing lines having been cast in to the ocean, the boat wasn't big as it was closer to a dingy but it was large enough for their purposes, or rather their boss refused to buy a bigger boat, they sat there in complete silence as they waited for the fish to start biting but it looked like that wouldn't happen today.

"it's not just today they haven't been biting all week"
"is it possible that the blessing from the gods has been revoked?"

" No, I don't think so, but I do think some sea creature made its nest at the bottom or something similar"

"So what? Do we hire some mercenaries to take care of it?"

"How exactly is a mercenary supposed to do that? If it's deep underwater there's no way to get rid of it"

"So What do we do?"

"talk to the boss he'll talk to the association, and they'll do something about it, but we'll have to go home"

"how about we stay a bit longer, I'm sure we'll get something. After all, we get paid based on the number and of the fish we catch"

The other fisherman rolled his eyes but nodded, it was true that their pay is dependent on the amount and size of fish they catch but who's fault is it if there's a some sea creature preventing them from catching fish? It couldn't be helped, but they do need the money, hopefully they'll catch something

Unbeknownst to the two fishermen, a dark mist lurked beneath their boat. The mist slowly rose from the ocean, and in a burst of speed, it exploded out and swallowed the whole ship along with the fisherman before returning back in the ocean and descending deeper into its dark trenches

The mist went deeper into the tear caused by Hephaestus as it had made it it's home. after about a minute, a black blur was spat out of the tear before it shot out of the ocean and flew into the air, the blur then flew higher and higher until it stopped higher above the clouds, it was ball of black mass that slowly transformed itself into winged creature with Obsidian dark scales, a long neck with four limbs with razor Sharp claws. The black mass had transformed into a black dragon.

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