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"curse you Obito"

He said as he flew towards his home his heart feeling a bit torn. Unknown to him Demeter had her eyes on his back as he flew, she scratched her chin in thought before turning to look at the fight.

[Minutes prior]

Both Bia and Zelus had opted to search for Apollo together as– according to Bia– it would be boring to search alone plus Zeus had not expressed on how the search for Apollo should be done as such it was fine as long as they find him, unfortunately for Bia, Zelus wasn't really much of a conversationalist and much preferred to stay silent which in turn meant she would either stay silent or be the one to carry the conversation forward, she opted for the former and the two of them flew in silence.

"it doesn't matter how fast we are if we can't detect his presence we're just flying around, we've circled the isle of Delos a few times now and we can't even see his soul with our divine sight"

She let out a tired sigh as her eyes spotted the isle of Delos again and her nose was once again assaulted by the sickening smell of Ambrosia, they've been circling around from Crete to Delos and everything around for at least 3 times now and still haven't found Apollo, he was certainly good at hiding no doubt about that

"what is this, are you saying that the task that lord Zeus gave us is pointless? Such blasphemy coming from you is appalling sister, you dare suggest"

"enough with that you idiot, I get that our mother told us to follow Zeus and listen to him but must you go so far, I mean for sure he's quite handsome and with a silver tongue that I quite enjoy but must you lick his boots every second of the day?"

"huh? What are you–"

"hold up, do you sense that?"

Before Zelus could speak any further Bia interrupted him as she felt a weird feeling in the air or rather, she had felt it about a day ago but it suddenly seemed to swell in size. Zelus paused and focused his senses as well.

"Mm it's Miasma, yesterday it wasn't nearly this potent"

"yeah, I saw some humans warring the other day but wars shouldn't be producing this much miasma, what do you think is going on?"

When wars are being fought the negative emotions that all parties involved in said war feel create a Miasma, the miasma usually disappears within a year due to it Being absorbed by other living creatures like animals and plants this in turn creates monsters, the monsters may or may not attack humans they usually attack them but the humans fair just fine, witches and warlocks as well as warriors and heroes help with that. However such high levels of miasma might have unpredictable effects.

"Something is definitely unnatural about it, do you think it's Apollo's doing?"

"Someone's coming"

Bia turned with vigilance only to see Kratos flying towards them, she sighed in disappointment, she had hoped it was an ambush from Apollo, she certainly wasn't a battle maniac like Nike but she enjoys a fight or two herself. It took seconds and Kratos was already before her, he looked around seemingly just now sensing the miasma.

"Kratos why are you here?"

"Oh right, the king called off the search for Apollo"
Bia and Zelus were naturally curious as to why and Kratos told them the situation as he understood it, shocking the both of them.

"well this certainly is surprising but before that don't you think we should investigate this Miasma? If we've been searching for the wrong traitor the real traitors could be behind this unnatural increase in miasma"

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