is that your name??

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Aphrodite on the other hand felt a bit embarrassed by everyone being here but she wanted to jump and hug in joy and Congratulate him for Winning the fight but she Felt if she did that it would escalate to something else, she was feeling a bit aroused and Hephaestus looked most dashing right now however she was forced to stifle her feelings for another time.

"anyway let's head to Olympus. I need to sit on my throne"

Olympus was in shambles, the palace was completely destroyed as It had collapsed during the fight between Zeus and Athena, however despite this, everyone was located at the throne room, the roof was missing and the walls were only half on what they were but regardless everyone kneeled before the new king of Olympus. His golden eyes peered at them with confidence, as his presence filled the room. His gaze swept across the room.

Hephaestus sat on the throne of Olympus and watched the Olympians kneel before him, apparently there is no crown, no ceremony or coronation, all they needed to do is kneel before him as a way of recognizing him as the king of Olympus, it was something of a kneeling ceremony and they aught to arise when he feels it necessary. Aphrodite was included in those who knelt, despite being his wife she was required to kneel before the king. Though it was supposed to be the 12, Hermes and Poseidon were not present.


He said with a hidden nervousness, he had yet come to a proper answer to the question of what kind of king he would be, he felt a bit small, never in his life both of them has he been in a position where he has the authority to command laws and decree acts, he felt the position was a but too much for him but he received it fair and square, giving it to someone else was out of the question, he didn't fight Zeus just give up being king and besides being a King might be fun. Thinking about Zeus, In the fight with him he didn't even need to use the mystic eyes of death perception, in fact he has hardly needed it in any of his fights so far.

"Well how do you feel? Any changes now that you're a king, not just any king but a God king"

"I'd say I want to celebrate but we need to rebuild first"

He gestured all around, the main palace of Olympus was in ruins, he wondered how long it would take to rebuild a castle of this size, plus the population of Olympus wasn't that big only a handful of lesser known Gods and Goddesses so there probably wasn't a large enough work force or something.

"did any of you care to thoroughly understand the security system I set up?"

Hecate asked heaving a deep sigh.

"what do you mean?"

He asked but rather than answer Hecate simply, clapped her hands, she Clapped once, paused and clapped again and with that action the palace of Olympus began to slowly repair itself, it's walls were fixed, the missing ceiling was repaired and Everything that was broken was repaired. Hephaestus on the throne suddenly felt a small drain of magical power as the palace fixed itself.

"Of course you're going to have to remove the debris that are inside manually but as long as you're sitting on that throne you can repair and fix the palace without issue, there are other things as well but you can figure them out by tapping 3 times on your left arm rest on the throne"

She explained with a bit of exasperation in her voice, Although since Zeus was the king before its most likely he never cared enough to check anything, Listening to her instructions Hephaestus's tapped on the left arm rest three times and a series of commands and actions were suddenly known to him, it was like receiving information directly into your brain.

"I see, I see. Why did nobody know of this?"

He asked, everyone in the room felt like an idiot, after all Hephaestus hardly lived in Olympus so him not knowing was excusable but the rest of them lived and slept on Olympus how could they not know something as vital as the defence of Olympus, sheer incompetence. While everyone was looking for who to blame, Hephaestus began thinking about the information be just received, there were commands and actions that he need to do or say in a situation that needed them, [castle guard] was a command he had to say if Olympus was being invaded and [castle lock] was one he had to say to trap someone within Olympus.

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