chapter 21

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Ares dropped from the sky and landed on the ground with enough force to create a small shock wave, the was a sinister smile on his face as he suddenly barged  into Aphrodite's palace. He was in a very great mood right now or rather each time he has to use his divinity, once he stops using it the draw back is that it lessened his inhibitions and heightened his emotions, although this didn't mean he wasn't in the right state of mind it  just means he was more impulsive and less caring.

he was quite happy about the fact that Athena was more on board with his plan, he never would have guessed she'd be a traitor to Olympus. Thinking about it now Athena never did sugar coat her words when it came to their father.


"So what now?"

She asked with a relaxed posture, clearly underestimating him. The way she spoke was a good indicator as well, almost as if she wasn't worried at all, there was hardly any tension in her gait. He frowned  displeased by her actions.

"You'll regret underestimating me"

He took a fighting stance and  was about to charge at her but was immediately stopped in his tracks by the words she spoke.

"instead of fighting why don't we work together"


"I'm not gonna ask why you suddenly became a traitor but I have my own personal reasons why I would turn traitor as well. I'm going to assume that you want to be king and I'm willing to help you with that as long as I get something in return"

Ares scoffed at her words, his goal wasn't to just be king in fact being king was simply a by product of his plans but he chose not to correct her but instead he asked her a question.

"What do you want?"

"What I want  is..."

His eyes bulged straight out of his sockets as he heard her words,  what he heard out her mouth was shocking to say the least.


"You're literally planning to overthrow our father, Zeus. its not that outrageous and besides with me on your side your chances of success increase by at least 10% so there's no need to refuse"

She was right that her help would be great however should she get what she wants and then turn against him he would be in quite the trouble but at that point he'll be pretty powerful  so there's no need to worry about that at least not yet.

"okay then fine you got yourself a deal"

He agreed, he then took note to be careful of her, the possibility that she might be lying is always there so no need to put too much stock in her words.

"what about you Chronos? any complaints?"

"I was looking forward to being entertained but alright, it seems you'll entertain me anyway, also I have a favor to ask"

"what is it?"

"well your Aunty Hestia, as the First born of Cronus she actually has something of mine. It was transferred to her when Cronus was defeated but since both her and her father didn't use it, I'd like it back so tell her to "bring it back" since she's not using it"

The two were quite shocked to hear Hestia's name being brought up randomly, though it wasn't out of character for Hestia to be acquainted with lots of people but what could she possibly have  that belonged to the Personification of Time? Of course this suddenly made Ares curious about Hestia a lot more, he was hoping she would be an ally in the future too.

"Okay but what is it?"

A curious question from  Athena

"she'll know  just tell her what I said, here"

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