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Exiting the hallway that lead towards the court room Both Themis and Aphrodite Entered a corridor that would lead them towards the throne room, the royal palace had a lot of straight and narrow hallways that led to various rooms, one would call it that its design flaw as it required long walk to get to certain room.

"my Queen, is the tennis court not outside?"

"it is, but I think I left my mirror there, so I need to get it"


As they walked Aphrodite found herself suddenly being grabbed from behind, an arm grasped her breasts and the other coiled itself on her waist, she took in a deep inhale as she suddenly froze in place as a feeling of disgusted washed over her.

"You called for me?"

Hephaestus whispered in her ear, recognizing his voice she let out a deep sigh of relief and he body loosened once again, She had thought the hands grabbing her were a product of her mind but only turned out it was Her husband, unfortunately she was reminded of about her own filthiness once again.

"Yes I called for you, and please don't do that again. My heart nearly leaped out of my chest"

Kissing her on the cheek, he complied and let go of her and settled for her hand. He noted that Pershing she doesn't like sudden and spontaneously surprises.

"So what did you need?"

"I was calling you because you were gone too long, where were you?"

"I had to visit Gaia at the world's core, I wanted to ask her something"

"My lord, if I may be excused?"

She asked as the feeling of non-importance made itself present, although The queen had invited her to a game, the sudden appearance or Hephaestus made her presents unneeded for the moment as such she asked to be excused, not only that but she was a bit tired that case earlier had been mentally exhausting, plus she has to review the law once again and check any oversights she might have missed.

"Oh sure you're free to leave, and good work"

He excused her and complimented her work, ever since he took over she has seemed alot more tired than he remembers her being, it may be because he placed the law high in terms of importance and made the formerly Useless guards a sort of police force that maintained peace and order, so that thing like fights between Gods will be broken up sooner way before any property is destroyed.
In his fight with Ares, he destroyed some buildings, so there needed to be a police to prevent. It was kind of crazy because everyone just watched them fight and did nothing. He also felt hypocritical about it all as he should be behind bars now, too.

"I still want to play the tennis game with you, so tell me when you're free"

"will do my queen"

Themis turned around and left, leaving the two by themselves. She needed a bit of rest.

"You said you want to ask something of Gaia? what is it?"

With Themis having left, Hephaestus Surveyed the area they were in for anyone that might be watching or listening in on their conversation.

"It's a bit of secret right now, but all I can say it's a means to creating a weapon"

Hephaestus felt that having too many secrets , wouldn't be ideal so he preferred to state whether or not if something is a secret, giving her the idea that he will eventually tell her about it just not right. While he definitely trusts her, he feels something just can't be said outright.

"Is it dangerous?"

"Yes but it should be fine. This is mainly to protect you and everyone in Olympus should there be a threat I can't handle by myself, like, for instance… the original Primordials"

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