prelude to battle

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“Are you saying that we aren’t allowed to object?”

She asked not very pleased. It seems Zeus wasn’t taking no for answer to his proposition, He was already the father of her daughter and its not like she didn’t find him attractive However she wasn’t about to be forced into anything.


“Why should I be married to you?!!!! You who did nothing when Hera killed my infant!!!  you who agreed that I spend a year in Tartarus!! you didn’t care about me then why care about me now!!!

Themis spat with surprising amount of anger in her voice, her face displayed it clearly on her as she stared at the God king.

That outburst from Themis gave everyone quite a shock, leaving them flashbangered, especially Hera. it was the first time she had seen Themis display that level of emotion. even if it was akin to losing an arm, an arm is still a significant part of the body and worth grieving for. Hera’s face morphed into an expression of guilt and regret filled her heart.

“you forget that you collaborated with a traitor  I can send you to Tartarus again and besides I can give you another baby if you want”

He explained and caused Themis to be silent, she  was able to  easily see that, he didn’t want to marry her because he cared but because he wanted to have sex and it was at this moment that she realized that Zeus was  no better than his father both of them as rulers were just terrible.

All the woman within the room found themselves in a rock and a hard place well Themis and Hera did, Leto was already in  an illicit relationship with Zeus if anything officially marrying him  would be better for her but that didn’t mean she liked it. However Demeter wasn’t having it, regardless of how attractive he was she wasn’t about to be forced into any relationship she doesn’t want as such…

“You plan to use your Authority as king to force us to marry you is that it?”



“because I love you”

“hmm…. fine”

She agreed, it was pointless trying to fight him, this whole exchange made it clear to her that Olympus needed a new king and it also made her wonder if it was because of sudden news of traitors that made him think up this situation or did he always have it mind but he just needed an excuse. Her gaze met with Hera and then Themis the three of them then blinked simultaneously something that went completely unnoticed by Zeus.

“Very well I accept this as well”

“Mmmm fine I do as well”


Leto looked at the others in Slight confusion but seeing the looks in Demeter’s eyes she also agreed.

“I do too”

“Excellent now there’s just two left and we can all make the oath but for the time being I’ll deal with Athena, you all can prepare for the oath ceremony in the mean time.”

With that Zeus  exited the room leaving the woman to their devices, once he was out Hera spoke first.

“so what idea  do you have Demeter?”

“Someone must challenge Zeus for the seat of king, not only would it not be illegal but the enforcers will not interfere until a victor is decided”

“I don’t remember that being a in the laws”

“it’s not however, as the one in charge of all things law related I have made many laws that aren’t really followed or adhered by Zeus or any of you, I can simply make it seem that that law was always there and we can simply coax him into agreeing to it.”

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