chapter 6

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My King, we…."

It was the youngest of the Sisters that piped up first, there was Slight excitement in her voice, giving Zeus hope that whatever news they brought was good.

 "Shut up Clotho and let the oldest speak"

The younger of the three was immediately silenced by her elder sister who claimed seniority by age, the young lass pouted at the sudden interruption.

" Please, you can't even use those toothless gums to form a  coherent sentence so shut up"

The middle aged sister, Lachesis quipped, earning a raised eye brow from the oldest.

"This age comes with experience you sexually frustrated buffoon"

However Atropos wasn't letting up.

"what experience comes with having to drink your food instead of eating it."

"You grannies can bicker amongst yourselves, I will inform the king of the news"
"I will not have a bed wetter speak over me, I will deliver the news"

"no it will be me"

To Zeus this was mildly amusing, the fates were not human yet for some reason they used insults that only applied to humans and not Gods, Clotho was no bed wetter and neither did Atropos Juice her food before eating, though He can't speak on the matter of Lachesis being sexually frustrated.

The three sisters argued for full five minutes, Zeus watched them as he waited, this was typical  of  them so he had gotten accustomed to their nonsense. As the time passed Zeus increasingly got Annoyed so he quickly silenced them.

"ENOUGH!! What news did you bring?"

The sisters immediately realized where they were and quickly turned their attention to Zeus, they cleared their throats before speaking in unison.

"Destiny is unpredictable and unchangeable, just as your Father dethroned the ruler of heaven and you dethroning him, so it shall be for you as well, break this cycle and keep your throne otherwise beware, the chains shall shackle you and bind you to a destiny of defeat. The darkness is forth coming"

Was all they said before another swirl of black mist engulfed them and they disappeared, leaving the room silent. Zeus had a deep frown on his face, his mood was significantly dropping causing some bizarre weather Phenomenon. He understood  the gist of the message, it wasn't overly complicated.

"Themis, go inform Hera a meeting will be held immediately"

Themis took a bow before exiting the room.


Zeus called out and despite not being present  Hermes appeared as immediately almost as if he was always there. Arriving before his king he took a bow and awaited his orders.

"inform all the others that  a meeting will be held in the meeting hall and they are expected to respond as quickly as they can"

"Yes my lord"

Zeus ordered and as of he was never there to begin with Hermes was gone leaving nothing but the whistling wind. Zeus was left by himself, his good mood was ruined because now his rule over the heavens  was being threatened, holding a meeting  and discussing the matter and then dealing with it as quickly as possible was the ideal way.

If this new prophecy was like the first two then it's likely his  children will dethrone him but he'd not resort to butchering his own children and create a self-fulfilling prophecy.

"Whoever's it is they're most likely in the planning phase of their scheme, meaning addressing the matter and have everyone assist me in finding out who they are will yield better results than keeping it a secret"  

He concluded, there was no need to panic and suddenly be paranoid like his father, he simply needs to be calm and go about this  matter slowly and rationally.


"oh my goodness, this is amazing"

Aphrodite smiled broadly as she checked herself out in the mirror, she was currently  checking her curves that were clearly illustrated in the new form fitting dress she wore and she absolutely loved it. It was a light pink dress with a floral pattern going up from the side, it was tight but not too tight at her  torso but the single slit that revealed  her thighs made it  loose and quite easy to move around.

Looking herself in the mirror, she could the almost feel the sexiness oozing off her body, despite the dress being more conservative and revealing her cleavage, thighs and part of her back  it felt more erotic and attractive than just wearing those cloths. The dress wasn't overly complicated and was simple.

"it seems that you know how to please a Goddess"

She quipped to Hephaestus who smiled at her, there were various other dresses laid atop the table and a few of her nymphs sorted through them to pick out which she was going to wear next. The dresses ranged from modest to erotic and Aphrodite loved them, in truth they hardly had any clothes, the toga and cloths they wore were forever clean and needed no maintenance so there wasn't that much variety in fashion amongst the gods.

"I am the God of crafting after all, this is my specialty"

In all honesty those dress were made with the mind of an unfashionable fool, he simply replicated whatever dress he remembered that seem to be fashionable and sexy, luckily for him even if the dress is mediocre by modern standards it should be a hit here, after all Gods have little sense in fashion, all of them wear the same thing with only slight variations like making it into a skirt or wearing it with a cape or some plants attached to it.

"I suppose, so then aside from  the dresses what else did you bring as gift of courtship?"

She  asked  with great anticipation,  within the span of an hour her impression of Hephaestus had greatly changed for  the better, not only  was he now more handsome but with his skills she could benefit from him by having him make more of the dresses, it  also occurred to her that among the various God that have gifted her things none ever thought of a dress for her to wear, Hephaestus was the first.

'he is….'

Aphrodite also  noted that it's been a whole hour  and their talk  hadn't devolved into Hephaestus bargaining for sex. When she asked for a suggestion earlier, she fully expected him to say some thing that requires sex in exchange but he hasn't  mentioned anything of the sort and Aphrodite didn't know if she felt good or bad about that.


Here's  a God in her palace, giving her gifts and  buttering her up all the ways and yet for some reason he has made no sexual advances, no sexual innuendos or jokes or over  the top displays of strength or explanations of how he beat a Giant beast to obtain whatever Item he brought to gift her.  This  felt weird, she didn't hate it but it strange almost as if out of place. Aphrodite used a hand gesture  waving away the nymphs and signaling them to take the dresses to her bedroom as she will try them on later and the nymphs complied.

"well I'm sure you've received plenty of trinkets and gold from various Gods, but what I'll  show you are things of my own making, though they won't be different from the average trinkets in terms of look but they'll be vastly superior in terms of utility."

Did she perhaps get the wrong idea? Was he now going to put on a grandiose show of his skills and talents to impress her?

'Huh, maybe not'

She thought as Hephaestus brought forth a Harp that was covered by a sheet.  Hephaestus had a smile on his face as he pulled the sheet off revealing a golden harp, it was a little  bigger that what she usually  sees but she was unimpressed, if a harp was all he got then it was a disappointment.

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