marriage on the rocks and perhaps some domestic abuse

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Much like any castle where a king lives the royal palace of Olympus had a throne room  and  with  a throne room  there is  a throne. A beautiful gold and  silver  Chair made with precious metals such as gold and silver as well as mithril a  white metal that served as the base of the throne, mithril was known to humans as the metal of the gods and is the strongest metal currently known. The throne was elevated quite high with steps leading up to it, a king looks down on his subjects as he is their better and  superior and is not their equal  and  Zeus  was a  firm  believer of  this.

Zeus  was not in a mood where he could speak to anyone, the revelation that Apollo was a traitor was a big shock more than he wanted it to be but he quickly got over that. He now was simply saving his anger, letting it simmer until the moment Apollo comes to attack. Having the oracle meant he could foresee any possible countermeasures they might have against him as such the best strategy is to simply prepare for war and nothing else, worrying about what Apollo can and cannot foresee is useless.

"my King"

Leto entered the throne room with bit of Hesitation, seeing the  way she was dressed Zeus scoffed, Leto was certainly Beautiful but this was no time for such things plus it is clear what her intentions were.

"Do not walk any further, leave"

His voice boomed, reverberating throughout the room and sending chills down her spine but Leto continued to move forward, all the way till she  was at the base of the steps that lead to the throne.

"Please my lord here my plea"

With a bow she asked, she did not dare stare up at him and look him in the eyes. Athena spoke lies, is what she believes, her son would never betray Olympus there was no reason for him to do so, nor did it make sense why a favored son would rebel.

"Hear your plea? Athena Lied, Is that your plea?"


"So you are saying my own daughter is a liar? What purpose would her lying serve? Even if she is lying do you have any proof that she is or perhaps you know who real traitor is?"

The sound of thunder in the distance became louder and louder as Zeus continued to speak, the room was filled with a heavy presence that pushed down on Leto's body, filling her heart with an intense anxiety and Fear. Zeus was rash and impulsive he could very well kill  her right here, she was in no way safe in his presence but she knows her son better than anyone.

"My Lord, Apollo  Ad–"


Leto was interrupted by the sudden arrival of Hermes, the young God had utilized his great speed and arrived beside Leto without her even noticing, it was almost like he had teleported right beside her.

"Hermes, what is it?"

Zeus completely disregarded Leto and focused his attention on Hermes, by the look in his eyes he seemed shocked or maybe surprised so whatever news he may have was most probably important.

"My Lord, the Queen, Themis, Athena, Ares and now possibly Hephaestus and Aphrodite are Traitors."


After having left Aphrodite's palace Themis and hera were now returning  from Athena's  chambers after having let her rest for the day. The  two  of them walked the hall in  an awkward silence, Themis having several questions but struggled to ask them. Hera  could feel that the titan had  things to  say so  she accommodated her.

"is there something you want to ask?"

And almost immediately Themis began her inquiry, regarding whatever matter she wanted to discuss.

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