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“But with this I’ll tear his stomach open and have its contents spill out to the world and maybe just maybe…”

Hope that her mother somehow still lived within his stomach and  that she was alive and well, even if she isn’t well, it  would be more than enough if she was alive, she needs to feel her gentle care again, hear her voice again.

With  the Scythe in hand she turned to the Azure blue bolt of lightning, one of Zeus’s prized weapons, it  was more than  just a bolt of lightning as it was made using the very concept of lightning itself  as such it can do damage to other concepts as well, to put it simply it can paralyzed concepts rendering any god hit with it powerless for at least 10 minutes giving Zeus all the time to defeat his opponents, it also gave Zeus a considerable boost in power.

Just as she was about to step towards it, the bolt floated up in the air and shot toward the open wall and landed on to Zeus’s hand.

“I can’t let you have this one, sorry”

He waved the bolt in the air as he said, his expression was rather grim and he seemed to be very serious at the moment.

“I suppose I shouldn’t have expected to come here unnoticed”

“as my daughter I’m willing to let you off for a lot of things however I hope you realize that by both breaking in here and Taking that Scythe I’m well within my rights to send you to Tartarus”

“as your daughter, wouldn’t it be better for you to try and stop me from doing this by talking me out of it  or you aren’t doing that because you don’t see me as a daughter?”

Her face showed no emotion and that reflected her mental state, she was calm as a calm, she stared at Zeus with a calculating gaze, assessing every inch and  part of his body.

The concept of war is among the many with great potential even greater that Zeus’s own lightning, to be able to grow stronger as the fight continues was great but what was greater was the fact that her mental capacities are also continuously increasing as such she was both brain and brawn, the only way to defeat her would be to end the fight the moment it begins because as it continues the more she gains an advantage however there is a weakness that Athena isn’t aware of or rather one she should be aware of.

Staring at Her with a condescending smile on his face, he was quite relaxed. Zeus’s strength comes from his talent and not because his concept of Lightning is particularly strong, With that in mind he could not stand the idea of being out done by his own children, he  wished to be unrivalled but that was impossible with beings like Nyx around, since he could not do anything about the Titans  and primordials all he could hope for was to get a few of them to be allies or find ways to make them allies, if any of the enforcers were to be his enemies he wouldn’t stand a chance hence why he needed them as allies. His children he however could do something about or at least he thought he could.

“You are completely capable of making your own decisions, I will not waste time trying to talk you out of doing something you deemed to be the correct course of action”

He placed his hand on his waist and  let out an exasperated sigh as he spoke, She was an adult and adults can make free choices.

“I see”

She stepped to the side and let the sudden and the should have been unexpected lightning attack pass by her without getting in contact with her, it  was a extremely thin and nearly impossible to be perceived line of lightning that extended from Zeus’s thumb from the hand he had placed on his waist, the thumb was facing directly at Athena. Zeus snorted a bit amused by her senses, even though she shouldn’t have be able to see the attack coming.

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