chapter 25

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Themis who was  standing right at the door as the conversation between the queen and the two young gods carried on, she looked up in the cloudy skies  and watched as the lightning and thunder roared far in the distance, she found the distant thundering roars to be soothing. The area around the palace including the house she stood in front of was unaffected.

A few seconds ago  she had thought Ares was being attacked  when he suddenly screamed startling her into action but Hera had assure her everything was fine so she didn't interfere. Hera must have thought she couldn't hear their conversation or something but she could and the things they were talking about caused her great surprise and had made her to be indecisive and confused.

She also had questions about How Hera seemed to know more about the oracle than she had led on, a question that neither Ares or Athena had asked. There was also the fact that Ares mentioned that Zeus kills all three of them and Themis was relieved that her name wasn't mentioned in the people that Zeus has killed, things seemed to be getting very serious and she had no idea what to do

While she is loyal to Hera that doesn't mean she has to get killed either, she doesn't like Zeus but he is powerful the chances of overthrowing him are small plus he has the Scythe a weapon that strikes fear in the eyes of powerful titans and Gods the very same weapon used to slay Ouranos the king of Heaven and grandfather to Zeus.

While she was deep within her thoughts, she felt sudden movements and saw something in the corner of her eye, she immediately turned her head to the left looking right at the corner of the house but she saw nothing but the house's shadow. Her senses are sharp so how come there's nothing there?

"huh? Must have imagined it."

Maybe she was thinking a bit too much and the matter of Hera and Athena being traitors to Olympus was getting to her more than she thought, she quickly shook her head and cleared her thoughts no need to think too much about something that has yet to happen.

The door behind her clicked Stepping out of the way and she turned back and saw Hera exiting the house along with Ares and Athena.

"let's go Themis, we going to Hephaestus 's home"

With a nod she followed along and it seemed Athena had enough strength to walk by herself this time she was still weak but she looked better which Eased Themis's heart  a bit.


"now then, since we were interrupted earlier let's go back to what I wanted to show"

Hephaestus  sounded as the two of them arrived at her house, he was most positively sure that she will like the mirrors although he hasn't come up with a name for it yet maybe he'll let her name it.

Due to the loud thunderous roars of Lightning and thunder, one of Aphrodite's nymphs who was a bit adept at magic had to put up a sound barrier to block out the noise, this was done before the two gods returned from the meeting.

"aren't we going to talk about what just transpired in the meeting?"

She curiously asked as she proceeded to sit down on her chair, with a wave of her hand she commanded her nymphs to bring snacks and beverages. Having guests and not providing them refreshments was incredibly rude.

"everything was already discussed there, we shouldn't dwell on things like that too much"

He voiced, of course that was a lie, inwardly he was already thinking of ways to protect her and himself. If she's not a Goddess well suited for battle that meant he either has to make her suited via training or just build her something to protect her, Although the idea of training her was more appealing to him.

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