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Hercules walked the streets of Thessaly at a leisure pace, it was night time and it was incredibly dark, there was no moon tonight to illuminate his path however he didn't need it, his eyes worked just fine in the dark, of course this didn't mean he had night vision but rather his eyes were used to such darkness so his eyes had easily adjusted to it to allow him to be able to walk without stumbling on any rocks or bumping into someone.

His destination was the edge of the city near the outskirts and a location where most of the unsavoury types of people spent their time, of course walking alone at night wasn't advised for any normal individual but Hercules had nothing to fear, in fact any would be assailant should fear him instead.

After a few minutes of walking, approximately thirty minutes he had made it to his destination , he only needed a brief stretch of a walk that took him to the inner parts of the outskirts , once arrived he took a sharp turn at an alley and found himself in a dimly lit dead end with a with a lone figure wrapped in dark robes.

It was a homeless man or at least that would be the first thought a random onlookers would think when seeing the man, but Hercules knew who the man was.

"I thought you said you didn't want to help me?"

Diomedes asked incredulously as he stood up from the ground and shedding the layers of robes that covered his entire body, disguising himself as homeless worked in his favour and kept him from getting attacked by the mob that thought him to be a Heretic plus it helped that Hercules is the only one who got a good look at his face.

"I never said I wouldn't help, I just needed time to think."

Hercules responded to the man's words, his initial meet with him at that abandoned village wasn't one that painted Diomedes in a good light, he seemed like an insane cultists that liked doing human sacrifices, however after his fervent speech the other day, Hercules had to conclude there was a deeper meaning as to why this man's seemed to hate the gods, or at the very least disliked them.

"Oh! So, did you come here to offer your help then?"

Hope sparked in his eyes as he asked, Hercules was one of the few individuals capable of standing against the gods, he is mere human that can do nothing against the might of the gods as such his help would be tremendous, plus he has a reputation, people will follow him.

"it depends on what you're willing to tell me. Why do you hate the gods so much?"

He asked, Hercules was aware that the gods were not the most caring of people, he knew that they basically did whatever that they wanted without any repercussions, despite being worshipped the gods were quite notorious, especially his Father's Zeus. These were gods. What could a human do against them? The idea of going against them was something he hadn't thought of, in fact it seemed natural not to, even when the stadium at Olympia Collapsed he didn't think of the idea to fault the gods for that instead he thought to go on a journey to improve him and become stronger, he was inspired by their strength.

"What good will telling you that do?"

He asked, a bit unwilling to divulge his reasons for Hating the God however still he needed Hercules' help it would take far too long to find another person with his strength and power.

"Because I need to know if you're doing this because you genuinely believe the gods should be held accountable for their actions or simply seeking revenge"

Hercules could see the need to hold the gods accountable for their actions and he is willing to help, however he will not help an individual who seeks revenge just for the sake of it, not to mention seeking accountability for the gods is much more peaceful than trying to fight against them.

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