chapter 14

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so  any plan on how  to  find the oracle?"

Just outside the  Royal palace Apollo was readying his carriage  and  was about to leave for his own home but he was  stopped by Athena's voice who just exited the palace. He frowned as he heard her voice, he was hoping she wouldn't be insistent on looking for the Oracle with him.

"Yes I do, so I don't really need your help"

Apollo answered  without turning to look at his sister,  he  firmly believed that he had  the necessary knowledge and  the necessary strength to find  the  oracle himself without the need for any Help. When he looked for it in his youth it took him quite some time because he didn't know what he was looking for but he was still able to find it, not because he was looking for it but because someone else recognized his efforts.

Athena  rolled her eyes at him  before  heaving a sigh. Placing her hand on her hip she Began to speak.

"Being stubborn won't help  y'know, I know you  are capable of finding the oracle by yourself but that doesn't mean  you  shouldn't accept some help after all what If you get attacked by something unknown, you'll need someone like me to help"

She  explained, her family in general was a bunch of stubborn fools, a trait they all got from their father and  seemingly one of the few things they shared as a family.

"I can handle anything by myself so no"

"come on now brother, I can help with the search, I know the lands beyond Olympus better than anyone so with me the search will be easier"

Apollo took a pause as he considered her proposal, in all honesty finding the Oracle should not be difficult. Once you spend enough time looking for it then one should be able to get it, it's all about time and not about actually looking for it however Athena won't accept a no for an answer so he sighed.

 "I still don't need help but I get your point."

He relented causing Athena to smile, that was good she would rather not have to follow him around. if he refused her help she would have to follow him because Zeus ordered it be the two of them that look for it and she can't just ignore that even though she wanted to talk to Hephaestus about his sudden change.

Athena and Hephaestus were to an extent friends, she valued his craftsmen ship and he Welcomed her suggestions and opinions on things regarding weapons so Athena at the moment felt like she needed to know the reason why he'd do something so drastic as change himself to such an extent.

"Good, we need to hurry—"

"Can I help as well?, my strength can definitely be of great use, better than her at least"

Ares said as he flexed his muscles and they bulged, they were thick and they glistened in the sunlight as he presented himself to the two.

"Father said you aren't needed"

Apollo expressed with a frown, the more people join in the less credit he gets so he can't have a whole crowd with him when he finds the oracle.

"who doesn't need strength?"

Athena was about to deny him and tell him his help wasn't needed however practically, it would be better to have Ares, he'd work as a good enough shield should they run into monsters or enemies.

"yeah the more the merrier"

"No we don't need  him he'll slow us down and Father told only us to look for it."

"if he slows us down we throw him out of the carriage, it's not like he'll die or anything"

One would probably consider it quite strange how Athena basically just said she would leave her brother to the hands of monsters to be ravaged without care, such blatant disregard for her brother's life was the norm and  Ares himself didn't think anything of her statement after all he felt the Same.

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