chapter 10

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Athena was a tall, and  beautiful Goddess with  a lithe body, she had black straight  hair that  extended past her shoulders. Her eyes were a bright Emerald and shone with intelligence, she was seemingly fit with some lean yet muscular arms, she fit the description of the Amazon warrior.  She  was certainly beautiful but she never did put much effort on her beauty, her beauty was effortless but far behind Aphrodite.

“Am I wrong though, I see no lie in what I said…”

“what you  said may not be wrong but it is  not factual either”

Athena paused as she took  a moment to greet both Aphrodite and  Hestia and  went to take her seat which was right next to Ares.

“who are you to say what is worthy of her Beauty? Why can she not determine that herself?”

She asked, this time more serious, seemingly displeased at Ares’s  words. She did not like how he seemed to think.

“surely  a person cannot determine their own self-worth, as an image they have of themselves may be distorted.”

Ares offered, his attention full focusing on his sister, she always seemed to antagonize him for absolutely no reason.

“not only is it arrogance to think you can  determine another person’s worth but it is wholly  insensitive to ignore the person’s perspective on themselves, let them determine what their Beauty is worth. Lady Aphrodite’s beauty is her own  so she has complete say in what it is worth, your opinion is irrelevant.”

Her voice Increased by an  octave as she spoke,  to her Ares was being ridiculous,  the value others place on you should come secondary to your own value, how much are you worth to yourself.

“Do not be ridiculous,  sister. If others find you horrid then you are horrid simple as that, a person is always biased towards themselves”

“if one always  let’s others determined their value then, they are unstable as the opinion of the crowd can change at the drop of a hat, so  it is important to know what your own value  is before letting others tell you what it is”

Aphrodite watched with vested interest to their conversation, their words were true, she found  herself siding with  Athena rather than Ares. As the two continued to argue, their argument devolved into a game of insults.

Aphrodite thought about Hephaestus before today, to her he was an ugly monster something she hated, infact  she literally ran away when she heard she was married to him.

‘what did he think of himself?

She thought, she was curious now, was he as Athena described and unstable individual who based their value depending on what others say?

The two of them were quite the opposites, the most beautiful Goddess and the  formerly most ugliest God.


She voiced, Hestia heard her and also completely misunderstood what Aphrodite meant.

“Right, they’re supposed to be siblings yet they act like sworn enemies  but I suppose that’s what family does,”


She  agreed with  Hestia and not correcting her,  the argument between the two siblings became the only source of noise within the room as they waited for the rest of the gods to arrive.


After  about 30 minutes, everyone was present in the meeting room with the Exception of 3 people who hadn’t arrived.

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