can you win?

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Yes. I think it's the only way to defeat Zeus."

Hephaestus gave her a nod of understanding, he didn't need a power boost right now but knowing ways to gain strength is never a bad thing Zeus isn't the only threat in this world there are threats far more powerful than him, that's why he wants to create EA a weapon that can protect him and his family, although he'll have to talk to a few Primordials before he could he even get started.

"Your advice is very much appreciated Demeter, I thank you. You're welcome to stay for tea if you want"

"No, I won't be. Staying long, so please excuse me, it was nice seeing you Hecate"

Demeter stood up and left.

"Well that was quite interesting, although I'll have to leave too"

Hecate spoke as she stood up, she had gotten what she wanted as such there was no need stay any longer it. Was time to go back to her work.

"Don't forget that blood wasn't for free"

"Yes, yes I know"

She waved at him in dismissal before telling porting herself away.

"Athena, I'm sure you're interested in the whole becoming a personification thing, right?"

By her attentiveness during the whole conversation earlier it was easy to see, however he wondered if it was healthy for to be so fixated with Zeus or perhaps he could never understand considering that unlike her he doesn't know the love of a mother, he decided to let her be.

"Yes I'm interested but unfortunately right now I can't access my power"

It was a few years before the Gigantomachy and Hephaestus was in his home that he built himself after he saw that he was unsuited for living among humans. A young goddess showed up in his home and called him hideous, something he was already aware of but being called that wasn't pleasant, he shut the door on her hoping she would leave but she wouldn't, she kept knocking at his door to the point he couldn't ignore until he event opened to hear what she wanted.

It was your typical request of her wanting a sword, she was very persistent and it was somewhat annoying, plus he already didn't like her but if it meant being left alone he would comply as such he forged her the weapon she wanted so that she could live him alone

Athena Swung the new sword she was given up and down and executed some techniques as she did, she was testing it out feeling it weight and her suited it was for her and she felt it was perfect.

"This is amazing"

She said in elation whilst still swinging the sword in various directions. The. Sword fit perfectly and was light weight and felt like paper, not only that but it's size was suited to her height and arm length as well, she doesn't recall him asking questions about such thing but he managed to make a sword that perfectly suited her.

"great, you can leave me alone now, your welcome"
Hephaestus curtly said befell standing up from his seat and turning to enter his home, he had made himself a masked to hid his face this way he won't have to hear her call him hideous fir the second time.

"I actually need more than one weapon from you, so this isn't the last time we'll see each other."

"No I've made you one weapon and that's, I'm not making you anything so just leave"

"I'll pay handsomely for it"

"no, I don't need or want your money"

All he wanted was to be left alone but this young goddess wouldn't, Hephaestus entered his house and slammed his door shut leaving Athena bewildered by his lack of willingness go cooperate however she wasn't going to give up, she just found a great blacksmith and she wasn't about to just leave so instead she thought about a way to have him indebted to her as such she would need information on him.

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