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I’m here to turn myself in and It surrender”

Shock and was written across their face as they heard her words of course Hecate cared nit a bit as her mind was  focused on the matter she was brought here for. While  Athena wasn’t the most arrogant of the Olympians she had a great deal of confidence as such surrendering is hardly anything she would do, so it was quite unexpected that she would.


With Aphrodite’s palace being destroyed, she had no choice but to temporarily and maybe in the future permanently move to Hephaestus’s home of course she took her servant nymphs along with her and now she and Hephaestus were engaged in a sport that Hephaestus had suggested they play. They were playing a game reminiscent of tennis but not quite since most of the rules of tennis didn’t apply.

The two of them were playing on the front part of Hephaestus’s yard and the game had started relatively normal and slow and Hephaestus slowly increased the strength and speed  of his serves which in turn caused Aphrodite to do the same and now the two of them were moving at incredible speeds that were barely noticeable by human eyes, infact the nymphs and Hephaestus’s maid had forgone watching the sport and opted to have chat with each other.

Hephaestus used an incredible amount of strength to hit the ball over to Aphrodite, he hit it over to the side causing her to have to run to it and hit it back with an equal amount of strength back and Hephaestus hit it again increasing the strength once more and each time Aphrodite matched the strength and speed of his hits he would increase the strength of his return hits.

This whole exercise was training, at least for Aphrodite, the game was a way for Hephaestus to measure her, strength, agility and reaction speed and from the looks of it she had those stats at an adequate level far above humans but not quite  close to the gods at least not the ones who can fight, she’s below Ares by a large margin. Aphrodite wasn’t  a fighter so it was understandable.

While Hephaestus saw this as a training exercise Aphrodite was quite serious in winning against him, at the beginning he had  managed to score a couple of points before she finally got the gist on how to play but unfortunately she hasn’t be able get a single point in yet. Hitting the ball with great strength it flew over the net and flew past Hephaestus faster than a bullet and going on to crash on the to the nearby mountain surrounding Hephaestus’s home, unfortunately before she could celebrate.

“Alright I think we should stop there today”

He said as he turned looking where the ball had hit and saw a big crater on the side of the mountain and smiled a bit at her strength, she wasn’t totally powerless when it comes to physical strength at least.

“what?! No! I haven’t won yet”

“That wasn’t the point of this though”

“you can’t just expect me to play a game and  not expect to want to win Hephaestus, that’s not how this works”

Hephaestus raised a brow at her, he hadn’t really thought she would be the competitive type, It was good thing that she was.

“Alright fine”

A golden portal appeared right beside Hephaestus and the ball dropped from the portal to his hand. He then casually hit the ball over to Aphrodite and she hit it back, he made fake attempt to hit it back to her and failed and the ball hit the ground.

“there you go, you win”

“No! That’s not how I want to win, I don’t want you to let me win”

She protested and threw her racket to the ground and frowned, he was definitely insulting her if he thought she would accept such a thing

“we are gonna be here all day if I don’t”

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