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Seeing that the magic that was put in  place to prevent any Teleportation was somehow by passed and allowed Athena to somehow escape, Zeus made his way to the underworld to confront the witch that he had trusted with the issue, it was certainly a major breach of security either that or Athena was especially crafty as he would expect of his daughter. It would have been  better to round up all the traitors in one fell swoop but Zeus felt it was paramount to ensure the defences of Olympus were intact, if the anti-teleportation magic had been dispelled that meant surprise attacks from Enemies Could happen at any time plus Zeus felt he could deal with the traitors any time he wants as such he took to the underworld.

Unfortunately he was met with a displeased Hades who seemed  to not like the fact that Zeus showed up unannounced.

"both you and Hestia need to learn to call before coming here, I don't appreciate my time with my wife being interrupted"

Hades explained, both he and Zeus were at the living area of his castle both sitting in such a way that they were facing each other with Zeus holding onto a glass of white wine and sitting in a much more relaxed way than he should be.

"I see my daughter has you smitten brother"

Zeus chuckled at his own words, interestingly enough Hades had never shown too much interest in women before meeting Persephone, while he and Poseidon enjoyed themselves Hades always seemed to ignore any flirting or advances from women and seemed to enjoy his alone time.

"What of it? I don't see how that's a problem and what do you want?"

"no need to be defensive brother just mentioning something of note and what I want, I'm looking for Hecate, last time I checked she lived in the underworld with you."

"She indeed does live in the underworld but not with me, she's someone who likes research so she's probably doing something down to the souls on level 4, I haven't seem her in– I don't know how long"

Hades did Indeed accommodate Hecate a few years back but for some reason she left saying she wanted to experiment on some souls and things so Hades told her to go to the 4th level  to do that  and she hasn't been back ever since and he can't really remember how many years it's been, naturally he wouldn't bother thinking about other women when his  beautiful beloved Bride existed.

"well why are you looking for Hecate anyway? I thought you had your hands full with the Apollo situation."

He asked completely oblivious to the news of the current state of things.

"Right, you don't get much news down here"

Zeus then proceeded to explain what was currently happening and Hades did not seem to be surprised at all, he had a rather dull expression on his face. To him the situation hadn't really changed it was still Zeus's children, he figured that Apollo never had the spine to be a traitor, the young God practically worshipped Zeus, so hearing that he was a traitor was quite the shock but it seems that was just false information.

"Having your wife hate you enough to plot to kill you isn't the type of problem I would have"

That could never happen to him,  he loved Persephone very much  and she in turn loved him, she fulfilled his every need and he fulfilled hers as such he was absolutely certain that something like that would never happen to him.

"So are you going to help? I've already apprehended Hera and Themis,  only Ares, Hephaestus and Athena and those 3 are not to be underestimated at least Athena is not to be underestimated"

"What about Aphrodite? you don't  seem to count her"

"She's not all that powerful, plus I plan to have my way with her once I give her an ultimatum, so far I've only left her alone cause I didn't want Hera to kill Her and I wouldn't care enough to stop her so this is the perfect opportunity."

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