hanging out

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[Olympus: one day later]

"Mhm these are delicious"

Persephone said to no one in particular as she took and ate a piece of dark chocolate, letting it melt in her mouth as she savored its flavor. Currently the Goddess was seated on the side lines, she was seated on a chair with a small white table before her that had various kinds of sweet confectioneries laid on top of it, there were other 2 chairs one on the side of the table and the other was placed opposite of her position, both the chairs were empty as the two people who were supposed to be seated on them were currently engaged in a game of tennis.

Persephone was wearing a piece of jewellery that had been a gift from Aphrodite, an apology for the way she had acted during their encounter last year, a necklace made from both gold, Mithril and Emerald, she was also wearing clothes that wasn't just white cloths draped over her body but instead a dress, that was coloured black at the torso but faded into a cerulean colour from the waist down a beautiful dress that quite suited her.

"Oh by Tartarus!!"

Hestia threw her racket onto the Floor as she lost another game for the 5th time today, and Aphrodite simply shrugged her shoulders, playing off her victory, making it seem it was too easy because it was.

"Hestia maybe you should have picked a game you were good at"

Persephone commented, offering the goddess of the hearth an alternative to the game that she clearly was terrible at playing.

"This was decided via Quartz parchment sheers so she couldn't"

Aphrodite comments as she moved towards the table to take a seat, the three of them were currently on the back yard of the royal palace, while the Palace was located at the centre of Olympus, everything was at it's front and there was nothing but empty space behind it, which Hephaestus had decided to turn it into a tennis court at Aphrodite's request six months ago. There were other activities that could be done like table-tennis, badminton, and volleyball, but Aphrodite was very partial to tennis for some reason.

"Well since you already played tennis, why not cross it out and choose another game less favorable towards Aphrodite?"

"I suggested that to her earlier, but she's surprisingly competitive"

Aphrodite stated, she sat down and took a muffin off the table, took a bite, and before getting comfortable on the chair, with Hestia doing the same.

"I'm the elder amongst us. I can't have you best me in simple game like tennis"

"Yet I do best you, so why not just concede"

"there's nothing for me to concede, I'll best you eventually it's only a matter of time"

"if you say so"

Aphrodite smiled as she shrugged, Hestia was always the energetic type, but she had never thought her as someone who cared about winning or losing, but that was fine. They were similar in that regard. Although she does understand how Hephaestus must have felt when she refused to admit defeat.

"what about you? aren't you interested in playing a game?"

"and ruin this dress? Absolutely not"

She refused with a vigor in her voice. It seemed that she quite liked the dress and wasn't willing to have it dirtied. Incidentally, she was also the only one in the group that wore a dress. Both Hestia and Aphrodite were wearing clothing that facilitated movement, like shorts and T-shirts.

It was thanks to Hephaestus that the majority of Olympians now wear clothing, proper garments instead of just some cloths draped over their bodies, at Aphrodite's request Hephaestus had made a machine that would make various type of clothing as long as the materials are present, one simply has to put in a request, it was thanks to this that majority of citizens wore proper clothing, all they had to do is put in a request at a the royal castle and the maids will use the Machine to make the clothing. Hephaestus had to do the painstaking works of using Runic Magic and have his maids skilled in Clothe making.

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