Three weeks before

"You've got to be kidding!", Eva practically yelled at Noora, "Well, I'm glad you got me out of that mess before it eskalated any further"

"Eva, it-... you were about to take off your bra as well. You-...", Noora started, trying hard not to laugh.

"You were standing on a table in just your underwear! Are you out of your mind?!", Sana interrupted, "We left you for 5 minutes. FIVE! I'm surprised you were even able to get on that table in that time, you were so drunk."

Eva held her hands up and let her head fall down. "Yeah okayyy. I get it, can we just drop that topic? Please?"

I laughed. "It's okay, at least it was just a small party with trustworthy people— well at least most of them are. I'm surprised that Jonas wasn't there with you. Speaking of—"

I watched Eva's face carefully when mentioning his name. They seemed to be a lot closer then Eva was admitting.

"I saw him at the party with Isak smoking something. I thought he stopped?" I wanted to get her to tell us more about him and then she might spill more information about their relationship.

She pressed her lips together for a second before saying: "Yeah well, he did. But it was a party and he promised me that he was only smoking at partys."

"So are you guys like... talking again?", Noora asked, understanding what I was trying to do. She quickly smiled at me before looking at Eva again. "Because I overheard him arguing with a girl. She was mad at him because of you but I couldn't catch more of their conversation."

"Oh.. um. Well we aren't really talking. But— are you sure you didn't.. misunderstand something?", Eva asked, "Because I'm pretty sure he's over me... all the girls he makes out with are kind of proving this."

I held back a laugh. "Are you kidding me? I don't think so. Also, he might think the same about you; you're always making out with someone. Yet, I don't think you're really over him, are you?"

Noora hit me on my shoulders. "Ow!"
"I think what Carla is trying to say is that you should talk, maybe. If you're up to that of course. We— It just looks like you got a lot to talk about."

"Right, what she said", I added smiling.

Eva chuckled. "Maybe you're right guys. A little talk doesn't hurt no one right?"

"Well actually, if it goes w—", Vilde began but was interrupted by Chris kicking her foot. "Ow! What was that for?!"

Ignoring her, Chris said: "Right. You will be fine and you always got us."

Eva smiled and as she wanted to say something, she was interrupted by William, who just got to our table. "Hey" he said to all of us with a quick kiss on Noora's cheek. I just couldn't help but smile every time I saw them.

It was just too cute. He, basically the leader of the Penetrator group — most of them are fuckboys by the way — had fallen for Noora. Of course he did, she was really cute and perfect but he was more of a hookup guy. There's no way I could have ever imagined him settling down.

But here we are and it just makes me the happiest living thing ever. No offence to Vilde and Magnus, Eva and Jonas, Chris and Kasper or Sana and Yousef, but this was my favorite couple of all time. I'd start a fanclub for them.

After we all greeted him, he asked "Are you guys coming to the party on Friday? I'm hosting."

"I don't kn—", Vilde started but Magnus joined, "Of couse we are!" And kissed her on the lips. They were also very cute and very in love.

Thinking about all the couples here almost makes me feel lonely. Almost.

"But— I actually wanted a bus meeting on—", Vilde started again but was interrupted once again by Magnus when he kissed her. "You can do that every day. Plus, I'm going to be there and we can have loaaads of fun there and the bus meeting is going to be boring anyways."

She smiled at him and for a split second it looked like her eyes had little hearts in them. It was just adorable. "Fine.", she agreed, kissed Magnus again and whispered something I couldn't hear. Probably something I didn't even want to hear.

"I can't join you on Friday. You know how much I love a good party but I'm meeting up with Kasper.", Chris said.

"Well bring him too", William suggested but she just shook her head. "Gonna be with his family. We can't just ditch them. But next time, I'll be there."

I smiled a tight-lipped smile at her but nodded. She was one of those people on a party that kept it going— always singing and dancing.

"So since everyone kind of has someone to bring there exept for Carla, are there going to be any hot guys?", Vilde asked with an evil smile.

I just rolled my eyes. "I'm sure I'll find someone if I want to. Doesn't mean that I do tho"

"You know that Chris is coming, right?", William asked.

"No I'm not", Chris Berg answered.

"I mean Penetrator Chris. He is good looking.", William smirked.

I laughed aloud. Is he serious? "I mean yes, I guess so but do you seriously want some fuckboy for me? For a hookup maybe but even then not him. I'm not gonna be a trophy."

"By his looks, I'd assume he likes you."

"When he's horny, he likes everybody. No thanks but I do have a little pride you know. No offense to his girlfriends of course but that's just not for me."

I really didn't like the thought of Chris and me. I just dislike him. Once I overheard a girl on the toilet sobbing so I offered to listen. She told me that she slept with the Penetrator Chris.

Apparently his girlfriend found out and Chris denied it and talked bad about her. Like she wasn't even worth his time and he would never cheat on his girlfriend with someone like her.

She realized herself that it was a mistake to sleep with him in the first place but him behaving like that had actually hurt her and her pride.

I tried comforting her and asked if I should break some bones. She laughed and shook her head.

I've heard that she was being talked about in school and she left just a few weeks after. Poor girl. I just hope she found someone better.

When I snapped back to reality, I realized that the conversation had lead to Sana and Yousef. She could't bring him because he was packing for leaving this town. Sana also said that she would come to the party but she wouldn't stay long.

We girls, except for Chris agreed on meeting at Noora's to get ready tomorrow. After the guys left, we continued to talk about how Eva is going to talk to Jonas about whatever is going on between them.

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