Friday 11:54 pm

After a few drinks, the alcohol started tasting like making out with anyone, so I looked around for my next target. I saw Robin looking at me for a second but he quickly looked away, either shy or embarrassed that I caught him staring.

I didn't want to make out with Robin again, since it didn't end that well last time and it would be awkward, I think.

So I looked through the crowd even tho I already knew who I was searching for. I knew he would be down for it.

And then I saw him talking to William in the corner. I didn't want to give William the satisfaction of being right and seeing Chis and me together, so I guess I'll just look for someone new.

Right when I turned away, I saw Chris looking back at me but I pretended to not notice.

The Penetrators did look really good. Nearly all of them. So I just took all of my confidence and walked up to a guy that was doing something on his phone. He had brown hair and blue eyes with long lashes.

I was almost jealous of those lashes, damn. He looked really cute.

So I summed up my courage. "Hey." I said. He then looked up from his phone and still down on me since I was not as tall as he was. He smiled and checked me out quickly. "Hey."

"I just saw you standing alone and wondered if you needed some company?" Oh my god, I sucked at this.

"Sure. My name's Julian." Then he offered a hand. I couldn't help but smile at this gesture.

"Carla." I said, shaking his hand.

He repeated my name as if it was something super special. "Carla. Pretty name for a pretty girl like you." He winked. I just smiled.

I bet he just wanted to make out as well, but I didn't know how to skip the small talk so I was going along with it if he was.

"So do you have a boyfriend, Carla?" He said in a seductive way. And I shook my head. "Girlfriend?" I asked. And he did the same as I.

"Look, I'm not really a girlfriend-kind of guy, you know?" He began and I quickly said: "And I'm not the boyfriend-kind of girl", so we're on the same page.

"Good." He said quietly and leaned a little bit closer. "I don't mind having a little fun tho"

"Me neither", I said and started to touch him slightly on his arm. My eyes looked up at him and a shy smile creeped on my face. He licked his lips and his hands started to move to my waist. He pulled me closer until his lips met mine.

Skipped small talk, I guess.

We made out there softly. I liked how he wasn't trying to eat me, he was rather soft. It felt a lot more intense. His one hand moved up to the back of my neck and held me against him.

My arms were moving from his chest to behind his head as well and we never stopped that slow kiss.

I felt the alcohol hot in my body. It made me feel every touch a lot more intense. We moved to the couch and made out on there. I think he didn't want sex, otherwise he would have brought me upstairs, away from the others.

It felt really good until I suddenly felt my back completely soaked. I jumped up and turned around. „What the fuck, Chris?!" I yelled at the guy behind me with an empty glass.

„Sorry, I tripped." He held his hands up in defence.

Of course I had to wear my white shirt. It was now completely see-through on my back and I hated the feeling of fabric glued on me. "Geez, man. Can't you just watch where you're going?" Julian looked annoyed too.

"I'm sorry Julian, I'm gonna—" then I pointed in the direction of the stairs and he nodded. I shoved Chris aside and went to go to the upstairs toilet. Closing the door behind me, I pulled off my shirt and wrang it out but of course that didn't help.

I tried to run water over it but it just made it wetter of course but the drink, Cola I assumed, was coming off at least. The door opened and I jumped. Haven't I locked it?

"Geez chill, I've seen you naked before. Just wanted to check on you." He came inside and locked the door. Great. Was that to not let people in or to not let me out?

"You ruined my shirt." I said and didn't even bother to hide my body. I was still wearing a bra so it wasn't too intimate. And he was kinda right, he did see me without clothes before.

"You can have mine", he said stepping closer to me. I ignored him. I still tried to get the Cola out of the shirt. I turned the tap off and held my shirt between me and Chris to look if it was still stained. It was now see-through everywhere.

I moaned helpless into the shirt and hid my face. What do I do now? Chris moved closer to me slowly and put my hands down and held my chin up. "I'm sorry, okay?"

"Why did you do that?" I probably looked confused, because I really was. "I already told you. I tripped." He said with a apologetic half-smile. His voice became quieter. I knew he didn't trip, but I still didn't understand why he had to be such a dick.

He still had his hand on my chin and moved his other hand to my cheek. He whispered: "You look gorgeous, has anyone told you that? You're really beautiful, Carla." I didn't answer. His eyes were wandering between mine and my lips.

Like a reflex, I licked my lips and my eyes fell to his. He came closer and closer until our lips met. He started kissing me softly.

Chris Schistad - Couldn't EverWhere stories live. Discover now